Possible job???


Well-Known Member
I was making a call to another facility today to gather some info - and by the end of the conversation, the lady was offering me a job!
I need to get more details and all - but to say the least I am totally ecstatic! I may finally clear out of this horrible job! WOO HOO!!!!
That's the ticket 'boo!

Good luck and all that :)

If yer need a private secretary for the new position, gimme a yell. My typing skills ain't great, can't write in shorthand and my legs look terrible in high heels and a skirts.......but I can make a great cup of coffee ;)
Oz said:
That's the ticket 'boo!

Good luck and all that :)

If yer need a private secretary for the new position, gimme a yell. My typing skills ain't great, can't write in shorthand and my legs look terrible in high heels and a skirts.......but I can make a great cup of coffee ;)
Hey, coffee is VERY important! :coffee: :winkkiss:
Just make absolutely, positively, 100 percent sure you have the new job lined up before you quit the old one. Nothing worse than quitting the old job only to not get the new one.
Inkara1 said:
Just make absolutely, positively, 100 percent sure you have the new job lined up before you quit the old one. Nothing worse than quitting the old job only to not get the new one.
Isn't that the truth??? I will definitely make sure I have the new job and everything lined up before I quit this one. :D