Proving once more that Liberals see skin color first and content of charachter last


Well-Known Member
They have actually invoked stated, numeric racial quotas for the NYFD.

The Whites will now get the standard test.

The Hispanics will get the dumbed down test.

The Blacks will get a coloring book.


Federal Judge Orders NYFD To Hire Two Blacks And One Hispanic For Every Five New Hires, $128.7 Million In Back Pay For Minorities Who Failed Written Exams…

Nothing is more enraging than affirmative action.
( – A federal judge is ordering the New York City Fire Department to implement racial quotas to address grievances from minorities who failed entrance exams.

On July 5 in Brooklyn, Nicholas G. Garaufis, a Clinton-appointed judge for the Eastern District of New York, issued a ruling that requires two of every five newly hired fireman to be black and one of every five, Hispanic — until the department has fulfilled the court-ordered quota of 186 black and 107 Hispanic hires.

The ruling allows back pay — totaling an estimated $128.7 million — for minorities who failed written tests.

The court order is a response to a lawsuit alleging that two placement exams (Written Exams 7029 or 2043) for the FDNY were discriminatory against blacks and Hispanics, because fewer minorities passed the exam than whites.

The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is responsible for prosecuting cases under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The DOJ claims the written exams had an “unlawful disparate impact,” causing fewer minorities to be hired.​
Posted by ZIP on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 8:45 pm
seems like you see race first too buddy. goddamned nearly all the time considering how many threads you start about that shit... i'm getting a little bored though... maybe post something about, say, gays next time.... or those wacky women's libbers.

weasel zippers. perfectly-named website fer ya.

your charachter (sic) qualifies you for the dumbed down test at least. great news jim!!!

er wait they don't hire slow white guys, just slow negroes and hispanics. oh no.

have you actually seen any of these "dumbed down" tests?

i'll bet you thought the bell curve was a great book.
what? mediocre white guys whining about minorities? yes, that has been going on for a long time. i would whine right along with you but i don't feel threatened by them...
given how pedantic and "speak english or get out" you often are, it is more than a little funny. maybe wander down the street and find some little mexican kids to pick on as an encore? 'cause you know they are down your street. they are everywhere. and they are all illegal. and intent on buggering you. without permission, this time.
