Pull-up Free-WooHoo.....


New Member
:swing: Thank God !!!!! My Matthew is officially potty trained- 4 days and counting, and is also now not wetting the bed. Shewww, thought the days of diapers and pull-ups would never end. :banana:
Uki Chick said:
that's absolutely wonderful mare! i wish some people in our family were potty trained.
:lol2: I can relate to that........Now i'll spend the next 20 some years wiping up the floor around the toilet.
Go figure.......
TYVM Tonksy-its hard showing a 3 yr old how to pee in the toilet bowl-especially when you sit down and he needs to stand up. Then you get the question, WELL, mom, where's your pee-pee at? (As i'm calling his big brother in the bathroom)
i am getting discouraged...marlowe just turned three on the second...she is very intelligent...counts to 30ish, says abc's, operates the vcr, speaks very well, sings a ton of songs....but she has absolutely no interest in the potty. she has gone in it before, but it seems like an amusement for her and she still goes in her diaper as a first choice...when do you think i should be worried?
tonks said:
i am getting discouraged...marlowe just turned three on the second...she is very intelligent...counts to 30ish, says abc's, operates the vcr, speaks very well, sings a ton of songs....but she has absolutely no interest in the potty. she has gone in it before, but it seems like an amusement for her and she still goes in her diaper as a first choice...when do you think i should be worried?
NOPE-Not At All-every child developes on their own pace- I just pushed it alittle because I want Matthew to start school and here he has to be potty trained for headstart and next year in FL its pre-K , so thats why I did, plus I was just tired of wiping poop. YUCK, LOL.
My nephew is only 2 and he has been potty trained for awhile and now dresses himself-I guess its if the parent or parents have the time and patience to spend with the child matters also. Which in my circumstance it was hard-(LONG STORY) BUT, I finally, got the chance to spend some quality time with him here and it was one on one all day so I pushed-its working THANK GOD....