

100% Pure Canadian Beef
What did your parents do to you to punish you, I'm not talking horror stories about abuse, unless you wann here about my scars

I didn't do my homework, for a few months when I was 12

No television, at all for a year, no comic books, no movies, no going out, only allowed reading educational books........and she made me watch teh Lawrence Welk show

The horror

I still flinch when I see an accordion
I had my pocket money taken away for a couple of weeks but I was an agleic child.

[edit] I only ever got hit once and that was for hittin my mum first
my mom was a face slapper, big rings and long nails. vicious.
she grounded me a couple of times. i usually never got caught.
My folks tried to ground me when I was 11..........I snook out the house and didn't return for three days, that was the end of the punishment for me :)

Before that it was the usual.......pocket money taken away, that kinda thing.
My parents were never sober enough to know what I was doing...:( I would have preferred real parents.
Squiggy said:
My parents were never sober enough to know what I was doing...:( I would have preferred real parents.

This is a pseudo-paradox of sorts because you really didn't miss out on much, yet you missed out on a lot.
Squiggy said:
My parents were never sober enough to know what I was doing...:( I would have preferred real parents.

It depends on the parents

My mom was great, if a bit blind when it came to goings on

My Dad was pure evilness, who I watched being buried, for my own state of mind
I know what you mean, Squiggy. My dad was drunk or sick most of the time, and my mom worked the night shift, so I pretty much had to take care of THEM.

Of course, this meant that in my parent's world I was the 'perfect' child. In reality, I was smart enough never to get caught. Although that wasn't too hard given the circumstances. :(
Buttcrackdivine said:
This is a pseudo-paradox of sorts because you really didn't miss out on much, yet you missed out on a lot.

Actually, I missed out on everything except the oppertunity to be depressed...
LOL - I got more hidings than I care to remember, but that's because I was a naughty little shit who couldn't let an opportunity go by to get up to something.

My folks never hit me 'just because' - never got slapped in the face (got smacked good & solid from behind once 'cos I was being a right bitch to my mom & she didn't deserve it, Dad didn't like it for obvious reasons) and I never had any cause to think I didn't deserve the hidings I got.

I have a lot of respect for my parents for bringing us up the way they did. I love them to bits.
my mom only tried to slap me once, I was bigger and faster, and not deserving of a salp, so I stopped her, I didn't hit her, just czaught her hand
I was a little goody, goody as a child... I can only remember about 4 incidents in which I got a spanking. By the time I decided to rebel I was bigger than my mum and could hit back!
depended on the situation. ive been slapped on the face,spanked,flicked, but those were very unusual. usually they just sent me to ym room or yelled at me or said no TV no video games. they were lenient parents
My punishments were the usual "Go to your room" leathering, and the like. Right up until I had to duck a saucepan flying at my head. Reflex by my mum, but she horrified herself. I can't ever recall a punishment after that. She didn't trust herself. But then, I may have been a bit better behaved myself, too.
Squiggy said:
Actually, I missed out on everything except the oppertunity to be depressed...

:sadhug: But I want you to know that"I" think your the best in my book.. Your Intellegent,handsome,and just the greatest person to help you when your need of advise. And I Luv Ya!!!!!! :winkkiss:
I had to be in when the streets lights came on. Usually I was always sent to my room for punishment and grounded for a month or so. And when I was really in trouble- the belt from Dad was never far away...