Pussy inside


(posting this for fury, since he can't add attachments)


ashe.jpg, 37.68kb


cindy.jpg, 29.11kb

Cindy doesn't bite unless you piss her off. Ashe will be sitting there and then suddenly she'll jump on your feet and start chewing on your toe, and when you push her off, she'll move on to your fingers.

But when she's not biting, she's a sweetie. If she knows you and she hasn't seen you for a while, she'll jump up on your shoulder and start rubbing your face the minute you walk in the door. :headbang:
cats do that not because the love you, they do it to "pass their aroma" on you.
Yep, I've got two cats that do that to me too, yet I never show them much affection, if they get up in my lap, I'll let em sit there, but that's about it.