quite true

tonks said:
i am inclined to believe that this is the status quo:

Sadly, so am I.
I feel a rant coming on so I'll just stop typing here, because it's late, and I'll get all incoheranty...
Can someone please remind the great unwashed (ie me) what Ritalin is.......I know I've heard of it before but the penny refuses to drop :confused:
Gonz said:
It's a boychild killer.

(ADD medicine)

ADD = Attention Defecit Disorder? (or summit like that)

Valium for kids eh?......... strange world we live in :(
put the alien away. It's prescribed to boys almost a zillion to one over girls
its for ADHD but I think Tonksy is correct in this as it seems to be the answer parents are looking for.
Gonz said:
It's a kid, not a pet.

I wouldn't give it to a pet.

Hell, why don't we nueter them, I hear that calms them down.

[crochety old man voice]In my day we didn't have ADD, we just had kids that wouldn't pay attention. Well, at least until you spanked them a few times and made them pay attention.[/crochety old man voice]

Umm, Cheese? It's a joke (kinda). It's a photoshopped billboard.
Well, I certainly think there are a number of parents and teachers out there that view Ritalin as a lifesaver from little Jimmy running around like a Banshee, but...

There are some valid uses for it as well.
PuterTutor said:
There are some valid uses for it as well.

Yes there are. It is highly suspect when 2/3 of the boys in Ms Johansons class are called probable ADD by her (a highly skilled & trained physician doncha know)
That is the problem, well that and the fact that you can go to just about any Dr., tell them your kids teacher thinks he has ADD and needs Ritalin, and walk away with a scrip, no tests, no Psychologist, let alone Psychiatrist.
Isn't Ritalin basically speed in that it calms children down but if taken by adults speeds them up?
Yep, that's about it. The chemical composition works oddly that way.