Razed in Black


New Member
Very awesome industrial band from Hawaii.

Anyway, I went to thier show last week in Colorado Springs and it was awesome! I had a great time and even met the singer. Very nice, down to earth people. ANyway, I thought I would share a pic of this event. Please ignore my swollen tummy.
[Wakko Warner] Hellllooo Nurse [/Wakko Warner]

Never really got into Indusrial music ,but dig the "look".

Why does the girli n the background have her Pinkys in her ears?
so, did you kiss him? :brow: it is a him isn't it? :eh:
sometimes i just can't tell with industrial musicians :banghead:
Thanks guys.

It is a him and the band rocked!

As for he girl in the back, I think she is pushing her hair behind her ears, but yes it does look like she has her pinkies in her ear. :D

you're such a part of me.. i can't beleive it's real...

lol... that's the only RIB song i know, but it's so cool that you saw them!! and that's a hawtt piccy!!
breaky said:
so did you kiss him or what?

No. No kissing.

Ash~~Oh My Goth is thier most popular, club played song. A good one though. I love it.

Thanks to both BCD and SexyBoo. My belly is swollen in that pic tho.

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