red hot dogs

well, in all the stores I've been in over my trek through America, I haven't seen any red hot dogs of the variety that we're accustomed.

Talk about a big bummer. But, at least there was spam ... so I made Spam Musubis for Rob with eggs and rice and nori (seaweed) .. surprisingly enough, he liked them :)
I understand that Hawaii buys more Spam then any place on the planet.

That's very interesting. Has anybody tried the new Spam & Cheese, or the Turkey Spam?
Originally posted by
I understand that Hawaii buys more Spam then any place on the planet.

That's very interesting. Has anybody tried the new Spam & Cheese, or the Turkey Spam?

ew,ew,ew,ew... :grumpy: those, including the spicy spam, are just wrong ... *gag* .. wrong, wrong, wrong ...

We do have the largest supply of spam ... we have a "secret stash" too, just incase anything happens and the barges go out - like a strike or something ... :D
The "red" in red hot dogs is just red dye....and yes we do have them here.

I'm not a real big fan of hot dogs, bologna, spam, potted meat or any of that kinda stuff :sick:

Give me a one inch thick ribeye and I'm happy :headbang:
well, the red in our hot dogs is actually more than just dye .. I should take a pic of that too and post it here *L*

we also have this thing called "pupu rockets" which is almost like little smokies but more spicy, like Portuguese sausage ...