religious discrimination


New Member
Okay, so at my school, I've discovered some serious issues with people who seem to think being Christian is the only way to live. We're forced to pray at school, and I got yelled at for not standing for the pledge, which, btw, is forced patriotism, which, btw, is illegal.

I even got in trouble for putting reference to the fact that I'm Atheist on my webpage.

What is with today's society and its inability to realize that Satanists and Atheists are not the same thing.

I have people come up to me on the street and ask me if I do sacrifices.

The other day, in this stupid little class we have at school, we were talking about abstinence and such, and some girl goes "we can't have sex, because it's not Christian." and, obviously, I said "yeah, well, what about the ones of us who aren't Christian."

Do you know how quickly heads turned to give me a look of disgust. Whispers constantly are in my presence as I walk down the hallways, everyone knows I'm Atheist, and only about two people can accept it.

Being Christian is not the only way to live. And I've gotten the whole talk from my mother, that if I was a true Christian, I'd know that "following god" is the only way to live a happy life. Newsflash: I don't believe in God or Christianity.

And I'm not disrespecting people who do, I mean... I'd respect someone who worships a Paegan goat god, it just is really infantile when people don't respect me back.

Seriously, does anyone have any insights on the subject or anything?

Just commenting, because the world's going to the close minded dogs.


Too cute for words
Okay, so at my school, I've discovered some serious issues with people who seem to think being Christian is the only way to live

Sorry, welcome to America today. Well on it's way to becoming a defacto christian theocracy. It's unfortunate, don't you think, that so many of us who are atheists understand what being American means better than so many self-righteous christians. I promise that those assholes do not represent the majority of christians, but it will seem like they are because they're the ones that will fuck with you.

we can't have sex, because it's not Christian.
Interesting. I guess that's why you never hear about any christians having children out of wedlock, huh?

My biggest complaint has always been the way so many christians believe that if you don't believe as they do that your beliefs cahhot be as valid and that you can't possibly believe yours as strongly as they believe theirs. Stick with it. I've been an atheist since I was old enough to understand it. 35 years or so so far. I'm happy and reasonably successul.

Re the pledge, sometimes the path of least resistance is easiest. I personally used to just skip the "under god" part, but then, I am a patriot so my advice would be biased in that direction.

Re your mom, mine too and I'm 47 years old. She prays for me daily I'm sure. We have an agreement not to discuss it but she still occasionally sends me "insprirational" e-mail. Hey, she's my mom. I'm not going to stop loving her just because she doesn't accept my religion. I don't accept hers after all. :)

Here is a point to consider. I have studied christianity more than 90% of the christians you'll meet. Most of them have a limited understanding of their own religion, how can you expect them to understand your lack of the same. Explain it to them. Some of my favorite answers:

Worship te devil? If I don't believe in one, it'd be pretty stupid to believe in the other, wouldn't it?

Sacrifices? What for?

Hmm, if your sixteen year old daughter comes to you and says "I'm pregnant but i've never had sex with a boy" do you start a new religion or make her tell you who the boy is? (Careful with that one, it always starts a fight)


Well-Known Member
I dont agree with a good number of Christians who insult other beliefs. If you are in a private school then they have their own rules. as far as other religions they believe the Devil created the other religions :rolleyes:


molṑn labé
Staff member
Do you agree with other beliefs that insult christianity?

Who are you to say that the other religions weren't created by the devil? (you are insulting christianity by suggesting they are wrong)


Well-Known Member
I dont laugh at anyones belief so no I dont agree with beliefs that insult other religions. I think people should be allowed to believe what they want.

as far as the other religions I dont believe in the Devil and if he was real I dont know if he is evil jsut not Christian. and I dont think the Devil created those religions nor any other form of evil created them.


New Member
Thank gods here in the UK we only have sensible recognised Jedi Knight for example :lloyd:

Luis G

Staff member
I fully understand your situation, because i've lived the very same things. Living in a country where 99% of the population is Catholic sure gets some looks at you when you stand your views.

Hold on, soon those that really matter will realize that you are no worse or better person because your beliefs are different, and for those who don't, they don't deserve your friendship.

btw, where are you from?


New Member
I'm from Georgia. The most southern little hick town in it, and damnit, my rat keeps typing you guys messages...

<rant>I agree completely with where anyone from ANY religion comes from, but the thing about knowing that Christianity is the only religion... how do we know? Honestly... Are we all going to find out the day we die that when you practice Hinduism, you get a cookie, and gosh darnit, Christianity gets first prize!

Most likely not...

and even if we do, it's not much help, seeing as to how we'll be DEAD

I honestly don't think anything's going to happen to us, but that's just me...

Hey, I could be wrong, we could all be wrong, there could be a religion out there that no one will discover, and then when we DO die, we'll all figure it out, but it'll be too late.

We don't know, we really... don't know.

So why debate it now until we have facts and evidence that they exist. Why try to force your religion upon other people, when they'll never adopt yours.

It's hard to understand why so many people care about whether we all share the same religion.

And, yeah, I go to a private school, but we're supposed to be all about diversity, and have different races and religions and stuff

But it's not true.

If you're not a preppy christian [no offense meant, it's just the common GPS stereotype] then you don't fit in.

It's disgusting, really. </end rant>


Well-Known Member
You are among ignorant individual who haven't learned the dark side of religion yet and most of them, sadly, never will.


Well-Known Member
or they will learn it and reject it. to me its situations like this that show the dark side of religion. Intolerance.


New Member
freako104 said:
or they will learn it and reject it. to me its situations like this that show the dark side of religion. Intolerance.

Ignorance, just as much.

Stupid people piss me off.

They think their way is right, so it's the only way they'll believe. Even if you proved them wrong 99% that their idea was crap, there's still that 1% they run back to...

[they referring to the stupid people that piss me off]


Well-Known Member
ralphie said:
The other day, in this stupid little class we have at school, we were talking about abstinence and such, and some girl goes "we can't have sex, because it's not Christian."
You know what's funny? I think Christ never said that. (I read a good part of the Gospel and I never saw such statement) There is this stupid people who base their faith in dogmas and try to put credibility in them associating with Christ's figure. Like the ones who use an old testament excerpt to justify mandatory contribution to the church. I always got surprised at how many americans were atheists, by the way they try to force you in their personal views, now I see why...


New Member
this is going to sound offensive :-\

if it offends anyone, I didn't mean for it to...:

I think that a lot of people are their set religion because that's the enviroment they grew up in and they're too lazy/scared/opressed to realize that there are other things to believe in

Just an insight, nothing personal

I just know that if I hadn't woken the hell up and gotten my voice, I'd still be miserable in a christian world than happy in an atheist one

it's like they don't care, but they DO care if someone disagrees.


Well-Known Member
You can change lazy for scared or opressed and Christian by any other faith with the same result. Someone asked why so many non-merried christians have kids, I would answer - simply because they really don't believe in it. Their minds were taught that way but their hearts refuse to believe such a negative thing could come from God.