Revolutions (Some Spoilers)


Well-Known Member

In-fucking-credible is all i can say. Go see it. The movie is a sweet bitter pill.

Sweet- Everything. There is no way one can't be impressed by some aspect of the movie, there simply isn't.

Bitter - This movie has become an unresonable high bench mark for all other sci-fi movies to come that feature robots and technology. I will not able to see the movie for it self, i'll have to compare it against this one despite all odds. It is just that good.
Ok, good for you, you go everything by what the critics say. I tend to form my own judgements on what i find entertaining, not what others decide is entertaining for me.
Re: Revolutions

I dont need critics to tell me a movie that I havent seen is gay when I know it is!

but seriously it looks mega gay.

I love how reloaded made such a big deal with the "TO BE CONCLUDED!" like I was supposed to give a shit or something, but i didnt, and I still dont.
Re: Revolutions

whoreable said:
I dont need critics to tell me a movie that I havent seen is gay when I know it is!

but seriously it looks mega gay.

I love how reloaded made such a big deal with the "TO BE CONCLUDED!" like I was supposed to give a shit or something, but i didnt, and I still dont.

Then why don't you fuck off and let those of us who have seen it discuss it?

Personally I am in two minds. It was without a doubt an awesome visual spectacle. The special effects were brilliant and way surpassed the last two films. The ending I was unsure about, I expected it to leave unanswered questions but it just seemed to leave too many. Perhaps I just need to see it again.
I was rather disappointed in the ending. The effects though,w ere amazing. Most of the fight scene was done on a scale that I've never seen before. Very weel done. The ending just sucked.
I enjoyed the movie until the end. The ending was...odd, for a better word. It left too many questions unasnwered and left me feeling deflated. It was not what I was expecting. The specail effects were outstanding though, and for that reason alone, I will purchase it when it comes out on DVD.
Re: Revolutions

I still think the first is the best....revolutions was good, but I'll probably not see it a second time

I understand the ending. It's a science deal. Neo is positive (base) and Smith is a negative (acid). In general science, when a positive and a negative or an acid and a base come together, they neutralize, which is how SMith and Neo dead in order to save Zion.
Re: Revolutions

*plugs ears* lalalallalalaalalalaalaaall
btw i think reloaded sucked. if u didnt notice it was made for everyone. it was everything. romace/drama/action/adventure everything and i think them doing that made it suck.
Re: Revolutions

This movie sucked. I wanted my questions answered, dammit, and they frellin' weren't!! So wtf?
*Neo's some kind of God or something? Revered by both humans AND machines?? And that's why he has all these 'superpowers'? Can you say, "CHEESEY"? :rolleyes: It could have been a much more complex story if you found out that reality was actually still part of the matrix...

Speaking of which: they didn't answer whether zion was in the matrix or not (assuming not), or where the machines came from, or how they took over, or anything! Ggrrrrr. And what's with the useless scene with the french guy?? And how did Trinity escape from there without being shot to pieces? And why didn't they focus more on the in-between place between the matrix and reality (they could have had a really cool twist there, implying that reality was still part of the matrix (the inbetween place being a connecting cable of sorts, but no.... had to go for cheese live happily ever after story)). Hmph. AND they could have made Agent Smith the accidental hero (being the one unpredictable part of the whole thing), but no, he had to stay the boring old baddie, and lucifer incarnate, apparently. And what's up with the little indian girl? So she's suddenly found her purpose, huh? Painting skies?? WHY???? Stupid wachowski brothers. :mad: [/B][/QUOTE]
Are you folks saying that at the end of the movie Rufus doesn't fall from the sky and say "Dudes, that was a most excellent adventure"? :(
Re: Revolutions

whoreable said:
I dont need critics to tell me a movie that I havent seen is gay when I know it is!

but seriously it looks mega gay.

I love how reloaded made such a big deal with the "TO BE CONCLUDED!" like I was supposed to give a shit or something, but i didnt, and I still dont.

Neo turns gay and falls in love with agent Smith, Trinity dies of desilusion...


I didn't overly hate it but I don't think it compares to the first or second.

Second one had a couple of parts I wasn't thrilled with--the "rave" was unneccessary and failed it's purpose, and the scene with the Architect was a bit drawn out and boring.

Rusty and I were talking about it this morning (saw it last night) and we finally put our finger on it... All the main characters from the first movies are like guest stars. They tried to make the Zion people main characters but in the end, you really didn't give a shit if the council or Commander Locke or the kid died. They went so long without showing Neo and Trinity at all, with the whole Zion thing. Too long, in my opinion.

What is Morpheus doing the whole movie? He's like a nobody, of no consequence. They tried to make Naiobi a main character but she's just not that interesting, neither is the crew from either ship. And when Trinity dies, they could have done so much better. They dragged on what she was saying which was essentially "I love you". And then when Neo dies, they cut away after a few seconds! HELLO! Neo is the one you're supposed to care about and if he dies, that's supposed to be a horrible thing. But by then, you didn't care all that much.

There was only one fight scene and IMHO it wasn't that great. They didn't build up the tension and have a great climax like they did in the first movie or the Burly Brawl. The scene with the French guy could have been better too. But without the club scene with nakedness and nipple twisting, would they have gotten the R rating? I think that whole thing with him and the TrainMan was useless to the storyline as was the Indian guy and his family.

In short, I wasn't impressed. There's nothing that really stands out as "the best part". I guess the part I liked the best was when Agent Smith clones the Oracle and he starts laughing like a maniac. Just love those facial expressions.

Rusty and I were going to wait until the 3 DVD box set came out but I think we're going to stop at the second one. I don't think I'll be spending anymore money on the third.
GF said:
What is Morpheus doing the whole movie? He's like a nobody, of no consequence.

I still haven't seen Revolutions but Morpheus was the agent (prophet) that brought Neo together with the Matrix. I have no idea what his role is in teh final installment but he was a central & important character from that standpoint.