
molṑn labé
Staff member
This is too damned funny

Bill Clinton failed, Tony Blair drew a blank and Kofi Annan made little progress. But now a team of Hollywood film stars is about to visit the Middle East on a private peace mission, in the belief that their charms will work magic on the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Brad Pitt, his wife, Jennifer Aniston, and Danny DeVito are among the stars who aim to succeed where world statesmen have stumbled.

"The past few years of conflict mean that yet another generation of Israelis and Palestinians will grow up in hatred," reads a statement from Pitt and Aniston. "We cannot allow that to happen."

But trying to do what? I don't believe they care about the people over there. More likely they enjoy the noteriety. They aren't the first actors to attempt something like this. They talk and talk but none of them make any sacrafices of their own. Then of course they end up on the medias face once again being praised as humanitarians usually because they themselves have professed it to be so.
I saw Robert Duvall on Wolf Blitzers show last week and he said that he was ashamed and embarrassed whenever he heard hollywood people speaking out. :D
On another note, i heard Ben Affleck speaking out against Bush the other day which i thought was funny because i've always thought of him as one of the stupidest people in hollywood.
This may be a real good thing.
Maybe they will windup getting slapped back to reality like
the human shields did in Iraq.
I may be alone, but I'll wish 'em a bit of luck and hope they succeed. Won't hold my breath, but I'll raise a pint in their honour once and who knows .... *dreamy sigh*
Rose said:
I may be alone, but I'll wish 'em a bit of luck and hope they succeed. Won't hold my breath, but I'll raise a pint in their honour once and who knows .... *dreamy sigh*

Nope, I'll join ya.

Edit: I'd give ya karma, but apparently I need to tarnish my rep a bit more first...
I'll bet they never go over there.

Wasn't Ben Affleck the one who said he was gonna leave the USA if Bush was elected?
"Hi, I'm like Jennifer Aniston. I like star in the like hit series Friends. I'm like the slut. Well, anyway, ya know, like, if you guys quit blowing each other, like, up. I'll like see to it that you like get more of these like type of like shots like plastered on your like billboards. M'kay?"

"yea, I'm her husband, Brad Pitt. I'm cute, huh? Well anyway, like my beautiful & prescious wife said, if you guys quit killing each other...sorry, I saw myself in a mirror & tat distracts me-I am quite the hunk-so, i fyou guys quit killing each other, we'll see to it that some, damn, even my bicep is good looking...sorry, we'll see to it that some Canadian" (happy Prof?) "film crew shoots a commercial or some haughty taughty film noir here & you'll get something. I'd do it but I'm just too damed important to be in such a flea bag country. Here, have this shot & use it anyway that makes me money. Buh bye"

Hi. I'm.......[size=small]which one am I, again? Oh..yeah...[/size] George W Bush...and the way i see it...there are a whole bunch more of you Jewish voters here in the states than them arab ones.
Hell...Ashcroft tells me hes gonna arrest all the arabs anyway....So I'm here to tell you that I'm with you, Israel.....Together, we can get me re-elected and make Israel bigger an' badder than any of them so called "arab" countries.......
