
molṑn labé
Staff member
"To date, the wind industry has not taken a single, meaningful step to reduce bird kills," said Jeff Miller, a spokesman for the Oakland, Calif.-based center. "We absolutely support wind energy ... but we also think the industry should be held accountable."


Well, we always could revert to burning coal. Not a single bird accident when we burned coal.
Damn, Gonz...Maybe we should let the electric companies not put fences around thier transformers and transfer stations...whats one or two less kids...per hour? :confuse3:
Birds or cheap electricity (that doesn't pollute) hmmm, such a decision NOT!
Think of all the dead birds in a positive light. We're speeding up evolution.

Personally, I'd say tear down the all the windmills & put up Nuke plants. That is efficient energy.
Say Bert, how we gonna hunt quail with these things?

Well, hell, Billy Joe, I don't right reckon to know but when we figger it out, here's the microwave

Gonz said:
Think of all the dead birds in a positive light. We're speeding up evolution.

Personally, I'd say tear down the all the windmills & put up Nuke plants. That is efficient energy.
i think you misunderstand me...i was attributing the death of the birds by the plant as accidental...stupid birds should know better...the death's of the canaries were intentional because miners would wait until their canary bit it because they knew they had you see what i mean? tis better nowadays...
I was on a tangent, not necessarily speaking to anyone in particular.

Got a cig?
I recall....the whiny little eco-terrorist turned animal rights activist just had me in stitches :shrug: