Roommate for next year


Staff member
I emailed her this morning, heard back from her already. She seems really nice. :swing:
Good luck!

Get a close friend to stay over for the first couple of case the new roomie is psycho or something :)

I'll be ok :)

The guy that lives upstairs (it's a basement apartment) is SUPER nice
Nixy said:
I emailed her this morning, heard back from her already. She seems really nice. :swing:

Cool, get her to send you pics of her in her underwear, you know, so it isn't too much of a shock later. Then post them here of course. :D
You are getting worse and worse in your old age PT. Good on ya!! :wink2:

I second the pics moton
Hmm... two nice girls downstairs... nice guy upstairs... hmm... if everyone's so nice, who's going to motion to start the menage a trois? :D