

Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I've been having this problem lately, more often in quotes but it doesn't have to be. You can see from my screenshot that it's not just off the edge of the screen, that is there is no horizontal scroll bar, it's just cut off.
PuterTutor said:
I've been having this problem lately, more often in quotes but it doesn't have to be. You can see from my screenshot that it's not just off the edge of the screen, that is there is no horizontal scroll bar, it's just cut off.

Happens to me too... isn't is to do with when some f**ker attaches a huuuuuuge pic or summit?

I dunno.... what you asking us for anyway "putertutor" :D :D :D :la:
Cause my puter works just fine, must be their problem. :angel:

The post above was no pictures at all in the thread. I have noticed it before when a big pic was posted, but I think the size of the pics is still limited to 640 x 640 here, to prevent that problem.
PuterTutor said:
Cause my puter works just fine, must be their problem. :angel:

The post above was no pictures at all in the thread. I have noticed it before when a big pic was posted, but I think the size of the pics is still limited to 640 x 640 here, to prevent that problem.

Well me dunno then... but then I know not a lot about many things!
ClaireBear said:
Happens to me too... isn't is to do with when some f**ker attaches a huuuuuuge pic or summit?


That's the only time I get it. :shrug:

furyyyyyyyyy, help
ClaireBear said:
Happens to me too... isn't is to do with when some f**ker attaches a huuuuuuge pic or summit?
Oh, just to let you know too, you're welcome to say fucker. In fact Motherfucker is quite acceptable as well. Spacktard is reserved, however.
Gonz said:

That's the only time I get it. :shrug:

furyyyyyyyyy, help
fury my ass. quotebox width = ? whatever it is, reduce it by 5 or so.
Of course, I will edit that post if you screw something up. You do know this, right?
hurries to do a screen capture of pt's setting. now runs to test his code. :)
PuterTutor said:
Oh, just to let you know too, you're welcome to say fucker. In fact Motherfucker is quite acceptable as well. Spacktard is reserved, however.

Call it "British reserve" but I like to use the asterix so when I remove them people know youre really really pissed....

Its like... the difference between saying "s**t" when you catch your balls in your flies and "you shit" directed at a cheating partner who managed to do it with your sister even though he had his balls cought in his flies!!!!!!
Uh, if I caught my balls in my fly, it would call for several multi-syllabic obscenities, fully spelled out. None of this measly "shit" stuff.
HomeLAN said:
Uh, if I caught my balls in my fly, it would call for several multi-syllabic obscenities, fully spelled out. None of this measly "shit" stuff.

Well... maybe the balls in ya fly line was a tad to drastic but it went well with the cheating me thinks!!!!! :blush:
*gasp* How did you know?! :eek:

*BoP goes to put up Lost posters* :(

Lost: One BF
Last seen: running for the hills.​

He didn't even yell any obscenities or nothin'. :mope: