Sarah Palin Book Tour Launches

She has been pimped by the radical right non stop for two years. Her approval is awful.

She would lose. Badly. Again.
She has been attacked, non stop, for two years.

oh no! that poor lady!

perhaps if she could actually answer a policy question with anything other that a pre-recorded bumper sticker she would not be the laughing stock of US politics.

let's review: she got pwned by katie f'ing couric.

yeah, she'll kick obama's ass allright.
59% think that she shares their values...but less than half of those think that she'd be good at the job. A rousing vote for Palin! ;)
Its funny that this woman Palin is being attacked so consistently by the leftist.

I think that Palin is a pretty and smart woman that makes a connection to the American people, that she is becoming a political powerhouse. What has the left all butt hurt is the fact that she's not theirs. That she is not a feminist acting all butch and pretending to be man. That Americans find her to be a good role model for the modern American woman, wholesome values and normal. -- That is what has the left butthurt, she is more popular than any chick they have been able to promote with their liberal weirdness.

The left fears her.

Its funny that this woman Palin is being attacked so consistently by the leftist.

I think that Palin is a pretty and smart woman that makes a connection to the American people, that she is becoming a political powerhouse. What has the left all butt hurt is the fact that she's not theirs. That she is not a feminist acting all butch and pretending to be man. That Americans find her to be a good role model for the modern American woman, wholesome values and normal. -- That is what has the left butthurt, she is more popular than any chick they have been able to promote with their liberal weirdness.

The left fears her.


only like how one fears a drunk driving a large vehicle in heavy traffic.

it's certainly not the power of her ideas (LMMFAO) that strikes fear into the hearts of... anyone...

BTW it's great that you think she's pretty, and that it precedes "smart."

oh little dolly let me pull your string...

and, really, wholesome values?

her values aren't any more wholesome than anyone else's, and lemme tell ya, she's not going to be able to talk higher-level values into existence.

i believe her to exactly the same extent that i believe ted haggard and jimmy swaggart when they moralize.
Sarah Palin poster girl for conservative values.

A rousing vote for conservative values.
Sarah Palin best selling author.

do you have a job?

Her current 'job' is to do her book tour
and go on radio/TV interviews
as a requirement of the contract she signed
for her book deal.

When she’s done with that she'll go on to save the world.

You might want to look at the 'are shit' link up top.

Other than that, she doesn't seem to have a job at all..except pushing the ghost-written book about her.

Ohhhh, sorry. I thought you meant it was somewhere in my link.
Sarah Palin, ready to rool yer Liberal asses

I’m listening to her on Rush’s show.
Her Canadian accent is cute.
Sarah Palin got the MILF thing goin' on.

Cerise pointed out it's actually a Minnesota/Wisconsin accent.
only like how one fears a drunk driving a large vehicle in heavy traffic.

it's certainly not the power of her ideas (LMMFAO) that strikes fear into the hearts of... anyone...

BTW it's great that you think she's pretty, and that it precedes "smart."

oh little dolly let me pull your string...

and, really, wholesome values?

her values aren't any more wholesome than anyone else's, and lemme tell ya, she's not going to be able to talk higher-level values into existence.

i believe her to exactly the same extent that i believe ted haggard and jimmy swaggart when they moralize.
Admit it, you are obsessed with her. :grinyes:
she's interesting as a symbol of everything that is wrong with america. if thomas jefferson heard her mindless, repetitive and superficial blather, he'd vomit in terror.

and, yeah, cerise is right, the accent is more of a wisconsin/minne thing...