SarahPAC steps into the big leagues


Yeah, you should not talk smack unless you can back it up.

what's the point when it meets with kneejerk denial, and, later, links to apologist websites? besides, you know exactly what i'm talking about. everyone who was paying attention to the news at all when that guy was first put in as pope knows. in fact you've probably already got a series of explanations/denials at the ready.


Well-Known Member
Stop fricken treadin' on me

Republicans will win in 2010 and 2012
but there will be no change.

Even you know it's true. :(


molṑn labé
Staff member
Re: Stop fricken treadin' on me

Republicans will win in 2010 and 2012
but there will be no change.

Even you know it's true. :(

Then, what's the point of booting Obama? If we're not willing to elect someone who can, or will, make changes, hell, let 'em have it. Let the revolution begin.


Re: SarahPAC rakes in money for Sarah's purse.

She is the only current model for real & worthwhile change.

yep, change.



Well-Known Member
what's the point when it meets with kneejerk denial, and, later, links to apologist websites? besides, you know exactly what i'm talking about. everyone who was paying attention to the news at all when that guy was first put in as pope knows. in fact you've probably already got a series of explanations/denials at the ready.

Actually, no minks. I am aware of only one thing that has been used against the pope and that is that he was in the Hitler youth brigade. This is true, however, it was mandatory for the German youth to join.


Well-Known Member
Sarah sounds like a Canadian.

Dude we’ve got nuthin’
a soccer Grandmother ex-Governor with a teenaged mom daughter
with a bastard child
some Mormon dude?
hey there’s that guy named Newt something or other.

The Demonrats pulled a no name mullato out of thin air
can we jerk a rabbit out of our hat
or perhaps ass?

nah fergit it, I’m going with armed insurrection cuz
while this guy IS dead
the things he stood for aren't quite yet.



Well-Known Member
Where is Barry Goldwater when you need him?

Never heard of a one of em
certainly wouldn’t know if any of em
could do a thing to reverse the 80 year
march towards communism that
has gotten us to the place where find ourselves today

The government is pissin’ in our faces
and tellin’ us its raining.


Well-Known Member
Re: Where is Barry Goldwater when you need him?

certainly wouldn’t know if any of em
could do a thing to reverse the 80 year
march towards communism that
has gotten us to the place where find ourselves today

not alone
We have to have congress on our side too. (and first...this year...)


Well-Known Member
yeah and who knows the numbers on that?
What can we possibly get in the three
houses all together even if we kick the
crud out of the commies?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Newt started off great then the power overcame the sense. he failed in the House, He needn't fail in the Big House.


Well-Known Member
Take off you hoser

Are you serious?
I mean c'mon what does that even mean?
Is that a ringing endorsement of the old fat guy?
I'd say no thanks. I’d sooner go with that chick
that talks like a Canadian eh?