say what?

Stop Laughing

New Member
dough (like owe)
tough (life uff)
bough (like bowing down)
ought (like aw)
drought (like out)
cough (like off)

argh, I'm missing 2 more. I remember an I Love Lucy sketch about Ricky reading a book full of 'ough's to his son missing all of them. :D


Good job, SL. Add in bought 'aw'

Still missing one..

wait a minute..:eek6: drought and bough are both the 'ow' sound...


Staff member
Ms Ann Thrope said:
bought is the same as ought ... "aw" isn't it?

what about "oo" as in through?
I told SL last night to put drought as also having the oo sound...cause that's how I say it :lol:


New Member
Not to mention how to say these words...

cherry (churry)
water (wooder)
syrup (surup)