school begins....*sigh*


New Member
ok, so for all of you parents that are extactic that your children are back in school, think about it from the other perspective!! MINE!! *lol*

school guidance counselors are beginning to get very frazzeld right now...if they aren't already ready for the loony bin by this point. like me!! :eek5:

we did our scheduling this summer. we have an archaic computer system. it scheduled about 85% of our we had to go in and fix by hand about 15% of them. well, our system crashed before we could back up all the changes. i lost a WHOLE WEEK OF WORK (AND I DIDN'T GET PAID FOR THAT WEEK THE FIRST TIME....LET ALONE THE WEEK I GOTTA GO IN TO FIX IT AGAIN, BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!!!)

so, needless to say, i'm sitting here in my jammies at 4:36pm on a monday, sipping a very cold mudslide, smoking a cigarrette, and trying not to slit my wrists....doh! :hmm:


Well-Known Member
I remember in college, we were mailed the class schedules book, a list of our required classes, and what electives we had to have (english, gym, humanities, etc) and we had to build our schedules ourselves. You'd build three or four, with classes you actually liked, and without 4 hour gaps between classes, and on a specified day, you'd all tramp to school and be called to go into a room with 7 overhead projectors going, and (praying the whole time) make up a working schedule. What's on the projectors? A list of all the class numbers with space left. No space, no class. If you were lucky, one of your four premades would still work. If not, you had to build a fresh one out of what was left open. Some of those were simply god awful. I knew one guy who'd gotten clobbered with two days of arrive for a 1 hour class at 8am, and have nothing but dead space until the afternoon. Often you'd see a kid in tears as there was simply no way to reconsile his requireds with anything.

As a comp tech, I got off easy. We had some of the highest number of required classes, and since they all required lab time, they were already aligned. Only had to fit one or two others and I was outta there.


New Member
browneyedMAC said:
school guidance counselors

sipping a very cold mudslide, smoking a cigarrette, and trying not to slit my wrists....doh! :hmm:

Kind of a "do as I say ,not as I do "kinda Guidance Counsellor eh. {chuckles} j/k


New Member
spirit: it can be premade, in a bottle that looks like a wine cooler, or you can by like TGI Friday's mix that you add kaluha to, or make your own...i like frozen ones the best...add vanilla ice cream, milk, ice, and kaluha....yummy!! but i was in a reallllly bad mood today and not feeling like doing anything, so premade i went!! lol...and yeah, when i'm really stressed out, i smoke. but i can drop 'em like tomorrow if the whim strikes me...i'm kinda blessed that way!


Well-Known Member
I had to do it similarly, but with a phone system. I had a specified time I could call in, and then I had to enter in course numbers and hope they were still available. The first semester of my freshman year, I had English at 8 a.m. and no more classes until 1 p.m. because the 11, 10 and 9 English were all full (it's the English class everyone has to have regardless of major). So after English, I'd go back to my dorm room and either screw around on the internet or take a nap.


Kissy Goddess
browneyedMAC said:
spirit: it can be premade, in a bottle that looks like a wine cooler, or you can by like TGI Friday's mix that you add kaluha to, or make your own...i like frozen ones the best...add vanilla ice cream, milk, ice, and kaluha....yummy!! but i was in a reallllly bad mood today and not feeling like doing anything, so premade i went!! lol...and yeah, when i'm really stressed out, i smoke. but i can drop 'em like tomorrow if the whim strikes me...i'm kinda blessed that way!
YUM! ... and ya, I smoked when I was younger and then one day figured that was it and I had no trouble droppin 'em.


Well-Known Member
Fresno State got online registration in fall 2002. I got to experience it for two semesters.


New Member
If only school guidance counselors could tell you the truth.

Well... we've gone over your records, Susie... and we've determined that your best career path is becoming a porn star.

Phil... you're best suited to become an eco-terrorist in Oregon.

Tim... your anti-social antics are horribly hardwired. We suggest either being a loner engine room mechanic on a Pacific cargo vessel or a collections thug for the mob.


Too cute for words
unclehobart said:
If only school guidance counselors could tell you the truth.

Well... we've gone over your records, Susie... and we've determined that your best career path is becoming a porn star.

Phil... you're best suited to become an eco-terrorist in Oregon.

Tim... your anti-social antics are horribly hardwired. We suggest either being a loner engine room mechanic on a Pacific cargo vessel or a collections thug for the mob.
Of course my high school days are lost in the dim reaches of antiquity, but that last one sounds familiar...