Scorched Earth is Back!!!


New Member
At its lowest level, Scorched Earth is just two tanks blasting away at each other. You only need to know how to use the arrow keys and the return key to play, at first. Using the up and down arrows, you control the power of your gun's blast. Using the left and right arrows control the angle of the blast. Then you hit return, launch your weapon, and try to blow up other tanks. That's basically it.

But Scorched Earth can be a lot more complex than that, if you want it to be. You can earn money from successful battles and use it to invest in additional weapons and accessories. You can play with up to nine other players at a time, mixing computer players with humans (there's even teamplay). There's a variety of environmental conditions and terrain to be dealt with and even educational stuff like physics and economics (bah!).

The only difference is . . . now it's in 3D!