*scratching my head*


New Member
damn. i just heard reports that some kids at the school here have ukus.

ukus = head lice

*ties hair up* dammit. why can't parents take responsibility and clean out their kids' hair!!


New Member
:bolt: *runs away*

We spent about 90,000 dollars on RID® one summer:grumpy: ok, not that much...but HUNDREDS of dollars


Those things are a pain. Went through it once with my daughter when they had an outbreak at school... Rid is your friend.....


Staff member
I made salad on their heads, it worked great!!

oil, and vinegar, mixed and combed through their hair, then a shower cap, and let marinate for 30 minutes...the oil suffocates the bugs, and the vinegar loosens the nits so they just rinse off...

RID and NIX are toxic, pregnant women aren't supposed to handle it so this is what I did at the recommendation of our Public Health Unit and it's fabulous!


Kissy Goddess
There was a huge outbreak in my kids school last year. What pissed me off was some parents never treated thier kids so it went on and on .... Lice prefer clean hair, btw...


New Member
Leslie said:
I made salad on their heads, it worked great!!

oil, and vinegar, mixed and combed through their hair, then a shower cap, and let marinate for 30 minutes...the oil suffocates the bugs, and the vinegar loosens the nits so they just rinse off...

RID and NIX are toxic, pregnant women aren't supposed to handle it so this is what I did at the recommendation of our Public Health Unit and it's fabulous!

thanks Les, I'll keep this in mind!! I don't like using RID and NIX either. We have a certain native plant that we can use to get rid of these bugs, but it smells so horrible that I can never bring myself to use it.


New Member
Spirit said:
There was a huge outbreak in my kids school last year. What pissed me off was some parents never treated thier kids so it went on and on .... Lice prefer clean hair, btw...

We have parents like that here too! They piss me off!! Their kids are the ones that are always spreading their ukus around!! Plus, they've probably used RID so much and haven't cleaned their heads, that the ukus survive and grow resistant. We have a strain of super-ukus going around!!

Luis G

Staff member
Gato_Solo said:
Pobrecito Luis. No te gusto piojos? :D

Lice is disgusting, i'm a very clean person and lice is obviously related to dirty guys. It is just.........disgusting :sick:


Kissy Goddess
kuulani said:


I know what you mean. I wanna throttle those parents. I mean, if they can't afford it, then the school or the public health system should kick in for it.


New Member

lice are more attracted to clean heads, because there's less crud to obstruct the feeding source, i.e., the scalp.

just thought i'd mention that, cos it always peeves me when people think that lice=dirty, when quite the opposite is true.


Well-Known Member
ash is right in that lice doesn't equal dirty. they are very opportunistic parasites.


Eeeewwww what is with ppl these days I mean its one thing for a few to get them but an outbreak is just plain gross! Well thats my $0.02



Well-Known Member
if one kid in school gets head lice, chances are many others will too. when i was in nursing school, i did some clinical time at a suburban elementary school and they had an outbreak. the school nurse i was with that day said it was the 2nd outbreak that year. she told me it happens all the time.


About 10 years ago, the local high school had an outbreak of ringworm. They tracked it back to the wrestling mats....