Security Update for WinXP


New Member
Just wondering if anyone downloaded the new security update from Windows Update yet coz a friend of mine did and it kind of screwed up his OS. Anyone encounter anything with it? ?(
Funny thing, there's a virus that someone downloaded in my company today and it emailed itself with the message:

Subject: A WinXP patch

Hi,This is a WinXP patch
I hope you would enjoy it.

Make sure you get your patches direct from the website. ;)
Funny, I have Outlook set to instantly delete all messages containing "I hope you would enjoy it." I never hear anyone who actually has a real message to convey talk like that, it's almost always found in virus emails.
fury said:
Funny, I have Outlook set to instantly delete all messages containing "I hope you would enjoy it." I never hear anyone who actually has a real message to convey talk like that, it's almost always found in virus emails.
* hears "Outlook"
* shivers