Semi-important request - Page generation times


Staff member
I've noticed lately during certain hours that page generation times go WAY up, like past 1-2 seconds. So I'd like to make a request for anyone who feels like helping determine why, that if they start to encounter many long generation times, please record the URL(s) and the page generation time(s) (found at the very bottom of every page) and post them in this thread.


Starting a new thread in LL -
Page generated in 0.14585102 seconds with 11 queries.

(but obviously don't report a generation time that small... I'm talking like times in excess of 1 second)

I appreciate your help.
heh. I remember some page generation times on the order of 97 seconds or so ... on the old server. Last night there seemed to be some kind of collapse for 2 min.

Long page load times... check.
I noticed pages were loading real pokey earlier. I was gonna give Steve a buzz, but I think he's still mad.
Whoa :eek:

Page generated in 2.67219400 seconds with 19 queries.

AND I hit the messages link and it took me to the main page. I think it's gonna stroke out.
perhaps we should raise the "reporting bar" to more than 2 seconds? The past two links I've clicked have reported 1.7-1.9 seconds....
unclehobart said:
Page generated in 8.53223503 seconds with 25 queries.

running a stats page hit.
Yeah, the times have been consistently high with every part of the stats pages. I'm gonna have to take it down until I can rewrite the stats page I had before for vBulletin
Squiggy said:
I didn't realize this thread was here, but I've had several loads over 8
Yeah, but we're talking about pages, Squig :D
Mirlyn said:
perhaps we should raise the "reporting bar" to more than 2 seconds? The past two links I've clicked have reported 1.7-1.9 seconds....
Yeah, the normal page generation time appears to differ from person to person. I'd say if you notice times much higher than you normally get, then report them.

For me, they're usually 0.15-0.4
alrighty, thanks :)

Keep em coming, peeps. I had no idea how much this was happening until now. :mope: