*sigh* (if you don't want to read ranting - do not read)

Nixy said:
Stupid people are just pissing me off lately. I am rather sleep deprived and spending a lot of time studying and have decided when I think someone is being stupid I am gonna tell them.

I rate my current bitchiness at 5 brushing teeth smilies

:brush: :brush: :brush: :brush: :brush:

You think I was being stupid? And you follow that with brushing teeth smilie ratings....:rolleyes:
Yes, I was as bitchy as i could possibly be...hence 5/5...it wasn't how GOOD it is this time...just how intense it was...
SexyBoo, perhaps it is time to move, try to get a job in another city, it'll do fine for you.
Luis G said:
SexyBoo, perhaps it is time to move, try to get a job in another city, it'll do fine for you.
Thanks Luis. I actually am seriously considering something like that. I'm thinking about either Orlando or Atlanta. It is just a matter of finding a decent job. :) I've been perusing the 'net and the Atlanta paper today. Wish me luck!
freako104 said:
not really random. but i put it there because sex feels good, and you can burn lotsa callories that way

Not really. The heavy panting is due to chemical peaks and the heavy sweting is a protective measure, like a sheath to protect the skin form any excess basterial infection. Even a very heavy sex session only burns about 16-20 calories and if your girl (or guy depending on your preference) swallows your excretion then add or another 10 calories to that.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Not really. The heavy panting is due to chemical peaks and the heavy sweting is a protective measure, like a sheath to protect the skin form any excess basterial infection. Even a very heavy sex session only burns about 16-20 calories and if your girl (or guy depending on your preference) swallows your excretion then add or another 10 calories to that.

Well, so much for my weight loss program! :hmm:
SexyBoo said:
Thanks Luis. I actually am seriously considering something like that. I'm thinking about either Orlando or Atlanta. It is just a matter of finding a decent job. :) I've been perusing the 'net and the Atlanta paper today. Wish me luck!
If you have questions about Atlanta ... I'm the boy to ask.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Not really. The heavy panting is due to chemical peaks and the heavy sweting is a protective measure, like a sheath to protect the skin form any excess basterial infection. Even a very heavy sex session only burns about 16-20 calories and if your girl (or guy depending on your preference) swallows your excretion then add or another 10 calories to that.
When I was in debate, one legendary case that I heard about (never hit it...unforuntunately) was during the Renewables year (resolution was to basically increase use of renewable energy). The plan called for a sex farm, where couples would do their best bunny-rabbit impersonation and the sweat would be vaccumed off their bodies and chemically burned for electricity. Apparently they even had scientific evidence and walked you through the math of significance and effectiveness.

I think someone made a STD disadvantage to go against them.
Any chance that you have changed your mind about how bad your job is really going to be and or the fact that it may not be a problem much longer because this guys wife is probably going to murder him in his sleep any day now? :battle:
Boo, I'm thinking that you'd probably be better off trying to find a position at another hospital in another state - your boss sounds like a prick.

And if your boyfriend isn't going to make any sort of commitment, then maybe a change will be better for both of you? I have never been in such a relationship, so I really have no clue what you are going through, but seems to me that you aren't getting from it what you need to make you happy.

And re the whole ice-cream/sex thing - just fucking combine the two and get it over with :rolleyes: