Single guys/girls - What was it like, your first or greatest


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I said single guys/girls, damnit :p

What was your first or greatest love like?

Mine, I had a first, but damn sure never had a greatest. It was nice for the little while it lasted, but I soon realized that she was only in it to satisfy her own urge for self-indulgence. I gave my whole heart to this girl and she took it and ripped it to pieces and stomped on it, then turned around, shat on it, and walked away, leaving me to die of depression.

That's pretty much how it went with the other two as well.

But hopefully someone here has a good experience to share, if they want to.
Mine is (yes I'm still with my first love) kind, wild, humorous, can be exotic, dominant, and has honor. :) I love her dearly.
Well, I'm as single as they come now... :(

My first real love didn't come along until college. I had boyfriends before but none that I would really say that I was "in love" with. (Of course at the time I must have thought that I was in love but now that I look at it...that wasn't love...that was just plain stupid!)

Getting back to my first love...he was just the sweetest thing that ever came into my life. He was courteous, sweet, humorous, sarcastic, mysterious, liked by my family, Hawaiian...the only flaw he had was that drugs was a little more important than our relationship. So I decided that I wasn't going to take second place to drugs and left the relationship. :crying2: However, if by some freak chance that he cleaned up his act...I wouldn't think twice about going back to him.
mine was an impossible: great friendship, she had no attraction for me.
only had one and she was great. until the break up(long story) im glad she changed back but i dont think ill find anyone as good as her. although there are others i met. and theyre cool too.
first love was a while back now, never admitted to her quite how i felt for her even when we were going out. took me a long time to admit it to myself too.

greatest love has to be with my current partner, she's a love
aww, that's nice! i look forward to seeing her on the reruns of jenny jones we get here ;)
my first love died when we were freshmen ... he's still my greatest love and probably always will be ... there's something about a love as innocent and pure that comes out of friendship ...
aww, that's nice! i look forward to seeing her on the reruns of jenny jones we get here

It's pretty sad if you think about it. If only she kept her cock in her pants and stayed with me :D. Cept she doesn't have a cock...
First and the only really true one, was a long time ago. Her name was Carla. I wouldn't refer to her as girlfriend but as a lover instead. She actually had a boyfriend when we started dating. Took a long time for me to notice she was really interested in me. We kept meeting for less than an year but never really had a relationship(long story). In the end I had discovered I was in love with her but she wasn't anymore. She found another guy and they married 4 months later. Today I realize I was only a 'bridge' for her to move from the former boyfriend to something new in her life.
AlladinSane said:
Today I realize I was only a 'bridge' for her to move from the former boyfriend to something new in her life.

and THAT is why I am TRYING very hard to avoid a rebound fling.....don't want to do that to someone. Don't want someone to be hurt like I was (I wasn't a rebound fling but my heart was still broken).

My ex was my first love, a part of me will always love him and he says a part of him will always love me. I hope to find my great love sometime aswell. The person who i will spend forever with....
Nixy said:
AlladinSane said:
Today I realize I was only a 'bridge' for her to move from the former boyfriend to something new in her life.

and THAT is why I am TRYING very hard to avoid a rebound fling.....don't want to do that to someone. Don't want someone to be hurt like I was (I wasn't a rebound fling but my heart was still broken).

My ex was my first love, a part of me will always love him and he says a part of him will always love me. I hope to find my great love sometime aswell. The person who i will spend forever with....
You are a very, very nice girl Nixy. Some guy is going to score.
My first love, Mike Ciaramella:

He had a crush on me for a few years, I never knew till I joined a club he was in. After I broke up with another guy, we started going out. We were together through 11th and 12th grade and broke up soon after college started. All in all, a great experience, don't regret any of it and I still think of him fondly even though he was mean to me after we broke up. He was the one responsible for getting me into the Ambulance Corps/EMS. If I saw him tomorrow, I'd smile and say hi but that would probably be about it.

My best love, Rusty. But you probably already guessed that. :) I talk about him enough, I don't think you need to hear more! I'll just say I never thought I would find someone this great for me, but it happened. I'm more in love with him today than I was 3 years ago. :love:
OK...My first day here and i'm telling my deepest, darkest moments...I'm still so wounded from the greatest love I've ever known that I would probably write a book if I started trying to I'll just post the last poem I wrote for her 3 days before it ended and leave it at that.

The Dream

I owe my dreams to having heard
the hidden passions in your words,
and , offering to serve those thoughts,
to quell the needs those passions brought,
I lead you with descriptive ways
thru images of torent waves
of pleasures washing on your soul
and long to watch you lose control.
And when, at last, your quivering lip,
should cause my heart to pause and skip,
while waiting, for that glorious cry
and watching you through passions eyes
until those passions, still my own,
are writhing, twisting, till they've grown
beyond control of all my strength
and passions reach their greatest lengths.
And still it will attempt to rise,
to reach out for your hungry thighs,
enraged until it finds love's dew
to chase it back inside of you,
where all the heat of all the stars
is waiting for this love of ours
to find a place to light its fire
and dance a dance of pure desire
that fans the flames and makes them grow
until we scream
Oh YES!.... Oh NO!...
....... ..... ... .ohhh....
I owe my dreams to thoughts of you
and all those little things you do
for me.

As you can probably guess, it was an internet romance. but I can honestly say I have never experienced a more glorious love. And I'll forever regret never having held her for real, if only once...if only for a moment....
my firstgreatest love was the best. even after we ceased being a couple, we remained close friends for almost 15 years. we've drifed apart over the past few years, but she will always hold a special place in my heart.