Slim! Remember this old scam?

okay, no fair...I don't understand. But no not in a a normal place. my car...I am at work after all :)
simplyred said:
I can't do anything with this.

Don't look don't even think about looking, trust me on this...

It is one of those images that gets burned in and won't ever go away no matter how much you wish it would. :shrug:

Of course it could be worse i guess..

Professur said:
Wait a minute. They got married ... and didn't even get laid? My opinion of the US military just crashed through the floor and into the basement.

Well, well, well. I've mentioned this scam before, too. Thing is, the broker only got $6,000 instead of the usual $25,000 I'd heard about.

Oh...and tonksy...

1. Why are you being called a 'monkey'? I always called you Navy pukes "Squids" or "Swabbies"...
2. Why would you be upset if someone called you a 'pustule', aside from the usual connotation?
aussies bugger kangaroos, do keep up. it's kiwis that bugger sheep. *ahem*
Goatse? Another thing I could have lived without seeing. :sick: My problem is that I am too damned curious by half. It's the same curiosity that drove me to watch that beheading. *headdesk