Smoking bans... your thoughts.

my computer is near an air vent thinger and whenever the heat/AC kicks on i can smell the guy in the basements nasty menthol smokes. it's stomach turning.
i smoked for 14 years, on and off, and i'll grant you the laws are a tad intrusive but my hearts not breaking about it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Y'all have me to convince that you can sit in a car and smell a smoker in a car in front of you.

I don't smoke dope, but if somebody in another car is I don't claim to smell it, and I know dope smells stronger than tobacco.

You're just gonna hafta convince me the human nose is that sensitive.

I can smell tobacco smoke a car in front of me. Pot smoke is not as strong as tobacco smoke, nor does it stick around as long.
rrfield said:
Bloomington, Indiana. America's first Smoke Free city. Personally, I love it, but I'm a non smoker. I can understand the ban in places that admit people under 18, but to extend this ban to bars, as Bloomington has done, is stupid.
The first city to ban smoking indoors in public was San Luis Obispo, California, in 1990. Now it's banned statewide.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Y'all have me to convince that you can sit in a car and smell a smoker in a car in front of you.

I don't smoke dope, but if somebody in another car is I don't claim to smell it, and I know dope smells stronger than tobacco.

You're just gonna hafta convince me the human nose is that sensitive.

Noone has to convince you of anything, it's the truth. If you quit smoking even for a few months...hell...maybe a few'll notice it.
Originally Posted by SouthernN'Proud
Y'all have me to convince that you can sit in a car and smell a smoker in a car in front of you.

Duh If you can not smell a smoker in the car in front of you

you must be smokin' a ciggy yerself?
Nixy said:
Noone has to convince you of anything, it's the truth. If you quit smoking even for a few months...hell...maybe a few'll notice it.

It's been 15+ months & still no better than the day I quit.
Gonz said:
smell or taste

My bf Chris has been quit for..I dunno...few months...and I dunno if his taste or smell in GENERAL have improved but when it comes to smelling SMOKE his senses are off the charts now
I can, if I concentrate real hard. My sister in law is one of the stinky smokers. Her place, I can tell. Of Course, I could tell when I smoked too.
Oh Sure you don't smell no better
and now you're phat too!

Quitting is for losers!
My mom has smoked for 30+ years. She still does, but has cut back a lot, and doesn't smoke in her home anymore. She is shocked over how well she can smell it in others homes now.
Gato_Solo said:
It's not the governments business!!!

Do you guys have laws down there about wearing seat belts in cars?

If so, I guess that is really none of the governments business either, eh?
K62 said:
Do you guys have laws down there about wearing seat belts in cars?

If so, I guess that is really none of the governments business either, eh?

They forget that the government pays for our health care, so here it IS the government's business...trying to prevent hundreds of people from being exposed to secondhand smoke surely won't do anything but LESSON the burden on the health care system, eh?

hehe I just had to an an "eh" cause you had one and I can't let you be MORE Canadian than me or anything :lloyd:
Yeah you are subjects of the crown or property of the state or sumthin'.

Seat belt laws are bullshit.
K62 said:
Do you guys have laws down there about wearing seat belts in cars?
If so, I guess that is really none of the governments business either, eh?


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