

New Member
Ted broke his Gramma like a twig this weekend. :D

We switched houses. My Mom came down here with 2 of my nieces, and my wife and I went to her place (2 hours north). The plan was to return home Sunday at 4 or 5 PM. Her last words were, "Enjoy. There's nothing that would make me call you home." Right.

Saturday night, we get a call. He's been screaming at her, on and off, for 4 hours. My nieces are getting upset as well. She thinks it "might be a good idea if you came home."

Of course, by this time (7 PM), I've been fishing and drinking beer since 3, and I'm in no condition to drive. So, the wife drives the 2 hours home, after we alert his Grandpa (who lives 3 minutes from our place) to go help. We got home to find Grandpa out walking up the street with Ted, and Mom and a niece sitting in the living room, totally gone. My wife grabs Ted, he says, "It's bed time,"
and is passed out cold in 30 seconds.

Everybody looks at that cute face and blonde hair and won't believe me when I say that he's Satanspawn. However, he took a woman who raised five kids and broke her in 24 hours flat.

Oh well, at least I got one good day (and a shitload of bluegill).


Staff member

I feel your pain, I have a sweet blonde Satanspawn too :(
He told me to "shut the fuck up" this morning...*sigh*

he doesn't like soap.


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling...my little monster is the only person that can pull out the screaming woman out of my normally placid wife.

I also did a wee bit of fishing, but wasn't as lucky. Drove down to New York (Chateauguay) and fished for trout for over 5 hours and NADA...my father-in-law caught 8 that day, all I managed to do was catch one, and it dove under a fallen tree and caught my line on the branches. Had to cut the damn line because my hip-boots weren't high enough to get to the tree. :rolleyes:

Never fished for bluegill...what're they like? Size? Pics? Limit for the day?


New Member
Professur said:
You sonovabitch!!!!!


MrBishop said:
Never fished for bluegill...what're they like? Size? Pics? Limit for the day?

Size - About the length of my hand, fingertip to wrist (I have big hands). Cleaned, I think they're about 0.5 kilo, maybe a touch less. Fight like all hell, though. Serious fin design. Her pond is private and seriously overpopulated, so there's no limit. I brought home 11. The only bass I caught was too small to keep. :(


New Member
Yup. No matter how hard you try to grab 'em at the nose and avoid those fins by smoothing them down, they're still gonna get ya from time to time. My left hand has all kinds of small perforations, mainly from the cleaning.


New Member
Wow, Steve, you've got quite a handful there ah? I guess you can forget about vacations away from him until he's older. Or never. :p

Leslie, sounds like you might want to invest in a bar of soap for the sole purpose of your kids. :D It sounds funny when you tell us but it must not be very funny when it happens!

Ugh, that's one of the reasons I hated babysitting for my sister's kids. Her daughter Tory was just a baby then and hated me for some reason. I came in the room, she would cry. Great idea for me to babysit for her.

The first time, she screamed and cried for 2 hours non stop. I finally called my sister at work and told her that I tried everything. Changing her, (no diaper rash), feeding her, playing with her... My sister said, "Did you try to put her down?" and all I could think of was shooting a lame horse. I said, "What, to sleep you mean? She's *screaming*, you don't hear her?" My sister said, "Try it, if it doesn't work, I'll be home in a 1/2 hour."

Sure as shit, five minutes in the crib, she was fast asleep.

Nobody believes that she was such a little brat but *I* remember. And when she's old enough to appreciate it, I'll make sure she remembers too. :)


New Member
I should mention it wasn't just me, it was other relatives too-all women. To this day, she loves Rusty more than me and beelines straight for him when we come over. I keep telling her that he's MY boyfriend and that she can't have him but she just holds on to him tighter. :)

Oh and when it's just me visiting, the first words out of her mouth are, "Aunt Tiesha, I missed you!!" and the second words out of her mouth are, "Where's Uncle Ruddy?" :hmm:


New Member
greenfreak said:
Wow, Steve, you've got quite a handful there ah? I guess you can forget about vacations away from him until he's older. Or never.

On the contrary. He's going to get more of this until he adjusts. There's no way I'm giving up any down time away from him until he hits school. I suspect that, like so many other things, it's a matter of training. The more you do it, the easier it gets.


Well-Known Member
Sorry 'bout the no-invite Prof. It's not my cabin to invite you to...besides, I thought you were a lake-fisherman only, no rivers. D'ya own hip-boots? If not...Can-Tire's got them for $40 on sale. :)


Well-Known Member
New news:
My son can open windows, but not screens
My cat (Tarzan) can open screens, but not windows

Combine the two...VIOLA!

Tarzan escapes....left at around 9pm yesterday, only came home at 10am this morning....after I spent an hour walking around at 11pm outside, whistling and calling out "TAR-ZAAAAAN!" at the top of m'lungs. My neighbours must think that I'm nuts! :p


New Member
I know the feeling too, Steve!! Everyone doesn't believe me when I say the happy, always laughing baby that goes to basically everyone, turns into a monster at home :D


Well-Known Member
we don't believe you, ku'u, because you're a liar :D

she is soooo the cutest baby ever! :headbang: