So I just found out I dont need to do Homework...


Well-Known Member
Leslie said:
It was the first day of school here today. It's truly the most wonderful time of the year!
There's an office supply store around hera named Staples. Every year around this time, they run commercials with two kids walking through the store moping as their dad prances around and tosses school supplies into the cart, happy as a clam, as "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" plays.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Inkara1 said:
There's an office supply store around hera named Staples. Every year around this time, they run commercials with two kids walking through the store moping as their dad prances around and tosses school supplies into the cart, happy as a clam, as "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" plays.
They play that one around here too, it's one of my favorites.


Staff member
Yep, and I laugh my ass off every time I see it. Whoever thought that up is brilliant! :D


Staff member
Professur said:
Notice that they don't show the dad standing at the cash, tho?

Yeah, CA-CHING. It cost me over $60 just for stationary supplies for back to mom bought me a printer, all my lined paper and some of my clothes...I bought some clothes but that ain't included in the $60...


100% Pure Canadian Beef
I never understood why parents where so happy for school to start.


can't wait till they are buried in homework!

I am a cruel bastard.