SO there's a crack in my windshield... and Ash R decided....

ClaireBear said:
Proabably... but even our speed limits are "high speed" for you guys!

I love the "police camera chase" programmes...

"As you can see in the bottom right of the screen the assailant and police car are now travelling at speeds of over 70 miles an hour... "

Shock horror! :D

Do over 70 in a Fiat and you'll know why we sell them... woooo-hoooo! one Hell of a ride! "Thunder Mountain" eat your heart out! ;)

Pshaw. I routinely go 80 to 85 on our interstates...The limit is usually 70 to 75, though. There's a saying about going over the speed limit here in the US...

"Nine, you're fine, ten, you're mine". Told to me by a county sherriff when I was 19 years old, and doing 70 in a 55 zone. I never forgot it, either.
Which shape has the crack? Maybe if it the shaper reminds you something it could be easier to find the name for it matching better :D :D :D
Kittie said:
I vote for getting it fixed! But wait! That costs money =P Something I DON'T have ^.^

A tube of repair is $15 at walmart, and good for cracks under 6". Read and follow the directions correctly, and it's almost as good a repair as a pro. It'll definitely stave off a ticket.

How do they work that in your areas? Up here, you used to get a 48 hour warning, and had to show up at the cop shop with your receipt and vehicle within that time, or earn a nice fat write up. Recently, it's been changed to you get a ticket up front. Then, you have to present your repaired vehicle to a certification centre for inspection. Full inspection. Then, you can go to court and try having the ticket overturned. Try being the operative term.

I've taken to keeping replacement bulbs for all my exterior lights in the glove box. If a cop's not having too bad a day, he'll usually let me change it out right there and then, and avoid the ticket, since it's obvious that it has just burned out (since I already have spares and know how to install them).
Professur said:
I've taken to keeping replacement bulbs for all my exterior lights in the glove box. If a cop's not having too bad a day, he'll usually let me change it out right there and then, and avoid the ticket, since it's obvious that it has just burned out (since I already have spares and know how to install them).

Yup, I do the same thing. Never been pulled for a blown light, but I've replaced them in parking lots after dark before.
When I was sixteen I got a ticket for not having a license plate light. I probably could have gotten away with a warning but I was stupid. I pointed out that he had a headlight out. He promptly went to his trunk, got out a new headlight and installed it. Then he asked me if I could do that. I couldn't.

Now they don't give tickets for stuff like that very often, especially in the town where i live. If you have a light out they'll pull you over and tell you about it. If it isn't fixed in a week or so and the same cop sees you again, you might get a ticket.
One thing I miss about the pizza place I worked at was the wall of windows in the front. I usually parked with my car's ass end facing the wall of windows, so I could look in the rear-view mirror at night and see my lights reflecting in the windows, so I could check for burned-out bulbs that way.
Professur said:
How do they work that in your areas? QUOTE]

Not entirely sure. I know repairs you usually have 10 days to get it fixed, and 30 to send in the repair ticket.
Inkara1 said:
One thing I miss about the pizza place I worked at was the wall of windows in the front. I usually parked with my car's ass end facing the wall of windows, so I could look in the rear-view mirror at night and see my lights reflecting in the windows, so I could check for burned-out bulbs that way.

C'mon, admit it. You just liked looking at your car's ass. :p
dragueur said:
Which shape has the crack? Maybe if it the shaper reminds you something it could be easier to find the name for it matching better :D :D :D

There's an idea! How about: "Snake"? :cool: