Some incredibly bad jokes :tomato:


New Member
Jesus is up on the cross, and as he's dieing, he starts to call for St. Paul. Paul quickly hears Jesus' cries, and begins to push his way through the crowd towards Jesus. Suddenly, a Roman Soldier sees him and cuts his leg off. Peter falls to the ground. As he's on the ground, Jesus cries "Paul! Paul! Come here, my son!" Paul picks him self off the ground and begins to hop over to Jesus crying, "I'm coming Jesus! I'm coming!" As he's hopping towards Jesus, another Roman Soldier sees this and lops off his other leg. Peter falls hard on the floor this time. As he's lying there, Jesus cries to him again, "Peter! Peter! Come here my son!" Peter, in great pain, continues to cry "I'm coming Jesus! I’m coming!" Now Peter gets on his arms and begins to crawl over to Jesus. Now, two Romans spot him, and cut off his arms. Now, Peter’s lying there, armless and legless. Still, Jesus calls to him, "Peter, Come Peter!” Peter again cries out "I'm coming Jesus! I’m coming!" as he starts using his chin to inch his way towards the Cross. As Peter finally reaches the cross, he looks up at Jesus, and asks "Yes Jesus? What is it you want m’lord?" Jesus looks down at Peter, and says, "Look Peter! I can see our house from here!"


New Member
I think it's supposed to be Peter. I've never paid much attention to the Deciples. They where a buncha looney bastards. I mean...I've done shrooms before, but how many do you have to do to see a man WALK ON WATER? (I really wanna know...It's gotta be fun!)