Some propaganda is fun


molṑn labé
Staff member
WASHINGTON – A sizeable stash of pornography was among the items seized when U.S. Navy SEALs raided the Pakistani hideout of Osama bin Laden, almost two weeks ago, U.S. officials say.

The officials said it was unclear who the material belonged to, and there was no way to know whether bin Laden had viewed it.

Bin Laden's son and two other adult male couriers lived at the compound, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters of intelligence.

I don't give a shit if it's true or's enough to cast doubt on MR MUSLIM hissself
Comments are good.
  • Deep Goat
  • Debbie does Dubai
  • Candy Stripers in Burkas
  • Johnny the Wad habi
  • Babes in Burkas, Gone Wild!
  • Camel Toe
  • A peek-a-boo burka!
  • Osama bin Spankin
propaganda for fun and profit

Personally the kind of propaganda I find amusing
runs more like this.

The Obama administration hasn’t realized the bump in the polls
it has expected from the hit on Bin Laden.
In other news, the administrations’ attempt to woo the illegal
alien vote seems to be having little affect.
Today it was announced that the root cause of high gas prices
can be directly attributed to the fed’s policy of debasing
the currency through QE one and two in conjunction
with a four trillion dollar increase in the public debt.
This summer the housing and stock markets are fully
expected to collapse as interest rates take off and inflation
spins wildy out of control. Today Michelle Obama announced
an initiative to expand food deserts to help combat obesity.
Oh yes and Bin Laden wasn’t really such a bad guy after all
and the administration is redoubling his efforts
to reorient NASA’s primary mission towards Muslim outreach…
who believes this propaganda?

Good Gawd Gonz that would be funny
if it wasn't so fucking sad.
