

Well-Known Member
I just found out that my computer's clock didn't reset with Daylight Savings. I've been running an hour behind all day. Nice suprise, it's quitting time. Thought I still had an hour to go.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
What kind of puter you got that doesn't adjust for DST? Shit, my VCR does that automatically.


Staff member
PuterTutor said:
What kind of puter you got that doesn't adjust for DST? Shit, my VCR does that automatically.
mine didn't...the box was unticked. I was deeply confused about the time for a couple hours. :disgust:



New Member

I remember it freaked me a little ,the first time the prompt popped up to change the time .


New Member
Wife's machine runs a screensaver that apprently doesn't like to be interrupted about such small things as a time change. She was locked up Sunday AM when I came downstairs.


Well-Known Member
I apparently set my watch forward 53 minutes, making me slightly late to work Sunday morning.


molṑn labé
Staff member
WTF? Time change...what are you talking about? It didn't change, except the TV shows are on at different times now.


Well-Known Member
That's because you live in a bass-ackwards state that thinks it's too good to have to change its clocks with the rest of us.

The thing I like about Windows 2000 over Windows 98 is that instead of changing the time and making you check its accuracy, it just shuts up and changes the time and doesn't bother you with it.

Stop Laughing

New Member
If it's only twice a year, I can live with hitting the Enter key rather than try to figure out if it's changed the time or not.


Staff member
The thing I like about windows XP is that it isn't 98 or 2000

Anyway, back to daylight savings time...the boy stayed over last night, and he was dropping me off at school this morning. So, I set my alarm to the time I'd get up anyway so that I would have lotsa time to get ready for school and what not. So, I get up, shower, jump back into bed and ask him if he wants pancakes and sausage (cause I am REALLY cravin' some and I hav extra time cause I don't have to take the bus). So, I go to go to the kitchen to make our yummy yummy breakfast and I look at the livingroom says 10:00...but I only got up 15min before and my clock said this point I am THOROUGHLY, I look at my computer clock and it says 10:00...then it hits me..."SHIT! I didn't change my alarm clock!!! We have to leave in 20min and I have my pajamas on still!!! No pancakes today!!!" I scream as I RUN around getting ready...


Staff member
Stop Laughing said:
20 minutes? Plenty of time. I've gotten ready for work in 8, and could've done better if we had a faster car.

20min to dress, eat, get my books together, pack my laptop wasn't enough...I can be out the door in 5 if I don't eat and don't have to get stuff ready to take with me.

Luis G

Staff member
I didnt' have a problem at all, being sick and having your girl sending you a hope you're better and good morning and don't forget to adjust your watch sms makes things far easier.


Staff member
Luis G said:
I didnt' have a problem at all, being sick and having your girl sending you a hope you're better and good morning and don't forget to adjust your watch sms makes things far easier.

I was drunk and not at my hosue when day light saving time happened...:shrug:


New Member
the fall behind i have no problem's the damn spring forward that screws up my sleep :cuss: