Spiritual workshop suggestions.


New Member
I've had a lot of people requesting that I put a workshop together and share some of the insights that a 'light worker' like myself has gleaned from the Universe over the years.
The name of the workshop would be "Like a deep penetration of the soul".

The basic program would be something like this:
9:00 Introductions
9:15 In touch with your groin chakra
9:45 Clean up (hand towels provided).
10:00 Break for morning tea. Soy Latte's for the lactose intolerant available.
10:20 The aroused clairvoyant: understanding inappropriate desires when around the dead.
11:00 Karma - who cares if it doesn't make sense?
12:00 Lunch. A fine assortment of lettuce leaves (organic) and mineral water.
12:30 Tarot: basic accountancy skills for this lucrative trade.
1:30 Why those silly skeptics refuse to open their minds to our obvious truth.
2:30 Afternoon tea. Rye bread and rescue remedy.
3:00 Passive aggression - how to mask insidiuos hate and self righteousness.
3:30 Why science wont stop looking for objective evidence and just believe our truth.
4:00 Closing meditation session to the beautiful sounds of Enya.

I need a suitable venue - it would need to be able to seat up to 1000 people.
Help with advertising... radio, printing and T-shirts also needed.
I'm prepared to do more than one workshop for those that can't afford to travel.
All suggestions welcome.


New Member
The name of the workshop would be "Like a deep penetration of the soul".

"is that a scented candle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"

"choked chicken for the soul"

"chakra shmakra,just bendover"


New Member
A.B.Normal said:
"is that a scented candle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"

"choked chicken for the soul"

"chakra shmakra,just bendover"

I'm willing to accept B/J's as payment. And stop being so cynical, no wonder muslin shirts went out of fashion.