SpongeBob Trivia


Well-Known Member
SpongeBob has a friend named Sandy. What's her last name.
What's the name of the area they live in.
What's SpongeBob's pet's name? Extra point for it's breed.
Where does Patrick live?
Sandy Squirrel?
His pet is a snail...and his name is...ummmm
Do you have any porn on DVD? That way, you get clear pauses, English subtitles, alternate angles, and other special features? :D
What is Mr. Krab's prize posession?
What musical instrument does Spongebob's neighbour play?
What is the exact technique for blowing bubbles?
What did Spongebob use to get onto Muscle Beach?
Mr Krab's prized posession is the secret recipe/secret ingreiant in his Krabby patties?
It's not the recipe? I remember the episode where Spongebob had to protect it from the plankton , who showed up inside of a robot clone of Mr. Krab.
I remember an episode where mr Krabb was all ga-ga over a certain dollar bill... possibly the first one he ever made in business.
Balandor said:
What is Mr. Krab's prize posession? his first cent, of course
well...Prof is on holidays for two weeks...and I think this is right...finally :D
Balandor you got 24 hours to make a new question, if not the next one in the thread 24 hours from this post gets it.

go!!! :headbang: