St. Louis

Stop Laughing

New Member
I'm gonna be outta town all week, we're spending our vacation in St. Louis, but we have one big reason for it. Rachel Chase from our bowling league at our dinky little 12 lane bowling alley ended up winning the entire state tournament and will be competing in the International finals of the Pepsi tournament there, which lasts 3 days. I've always wanted to see what was beyond state, and now I will. In fact, our zone, which while is only Cook and Lake counties here in Illinois is the largest zone in the state, participant-wise, with well over 1200 bowlers in just our zone tournament this year, in which Rachel was 2nd, BTW. Our zone may be the most represented zone in the country with 7 bowlers (the entire state sends only 12, and I don't think any state sends more than ours). I'm very excited to see just how far Rachel can go, she's won over $3000 in scholarships from bowling tournaments alone (I know she's gotten at least $2000 in scholarships elsewhere, too) and she seems unstoppable. I wish we had more time to get ready, we have a local association meeting and my aunt's 50th birthday party all going on tomorrow which we'll be a part of, then very early Sunday morning we're loading up for a nice long drive. :)