tommyj27 said:
i think konqueror counts as mozilla too, i used it just to put one on the board and it never counted it.

i've used konqueror a fair amount too...
Shadowfax said:
or doesn't want people to check it 23 times per day to prevent huge server load?
Well, partly. I haven't implemented the stats cacher yet like I did with the old system (I admit, I got lazy. I just took the vbStats hack off of for the last 2 boards we used, I wrote it myself, although it was loosely based on vbstats' code)

But it's not like vbstats is going to crash the server any quicker than all the rest of the activity on the sites. I'd wager we're more likely to kill the server by viewing threads multiple times than by viewing the stats multiple times (just check the page generation times on big threads and you'll see what I mean)

So I put a link next to the member/post/thread count on the front page.
Come to think of it, the vbstats is getting a pretty high page generation time. I think I'll do the stats cacher first thing in the morning

oh,wait, it already is morning... :tardbang:
