
[Jimmy the Greek 2 days before he was fired]You see... the black man was bred that way[/Jimmy the Greek 2 days before he was fired]
If I remember correctly though that is one reason some people have naturally darker skin...because their ancestors are from sunnier places than mine (and others who are pastey white like me)
ssshhhhhh...can't say the truth without adding IMO or j/k or some similar sentiment, otherwise the lawyers come out.
Liar, liar pants of fire ...
I think I'd be too much of a woosy to try out your theory :D

Hehe . . . it took me forever to work up the nerve to try it. I thought that the people who told me that were trying to prank me. But I kept hearing it over and over from different sources. :eh:

The key seems to be liberal application of aloe gel after you get out of the shower. Having a conservative apply the gel works too. :lloyd:
If I remember correctly though that is one reason some people have naturally darker skin...because their ancestors are from sunnier places than mine (and others who are pastey white like me)

Actually, recent studies have proven the reverse. People's skin color has lightened (their melanin levels have lessened) due to cooler darker areas over many many many generations.
Actually, recent studies have proven the reverse. People's skin color has lightened (their melanin levels have lessened) due to cooler darker areas over many many many generations.

Oh, I never meant to imply that skin went from light to dark...just that people whose ancestors are from sunnier areas have darker skin...I didn't mean it to be a "We all started white and then they got dark" comment.
I don't know about black people, but I hang out with TONS of Indians, and they all get noticeably darker if they've been in the sun. It's july, and they're all darker than they were two months ago. They use a lot of sunscreen to keep from getting too dark.
I was just thinking about the black to white vs white to black thing and realized...why would anyone have ever thought people went from white and then turned black? I mean, monkeys have dark skin no? And we evolved from therefore it's common sense to think humans started as dark skinned...
Because that would mean admitting that whites are not the primary master race and you know how hard that seems to be for some folks.
Did you guys know that an indian skull and a caucasian skull have exactly the same bone structures and stuff? Like, without knowing color, you could still tell apart asian or black people from white people because their faces are different, but you couldn't do that for an indian and a white person? Or something like that... I think what it boils down to is that except for color, white people and indians are exactly the same. One of my friends explained it to me at like 3 in the morning at a diner.
Since the Indians came across from Russia, we share a later common ancestor.
Just to add my part to the thread, it's been years since I haven't had sunburnt (except on the face). Curiously, since I'm 12 or 13 I don't get them anymore, instead I get a tan.