

New Member
guess what? not only am i getting my 'husband' out of the house until sunday....BUT HE IS TAKING MY 3 YEAR OLD WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
it will be me and the baby....i can't think straight!!!!!!!
I think that you got the worst of the deal hon...3 year olds are relativly easy. it's the nipple-sucking diaper-mongers that are the thoughies

Have fun though!!
Wow... never saw that coming. Its going to be bliss.

Bish.. Her 3 y/o is the one that is a handfull... not the tot.
:D Yay!! What kind of plans have you got, Tonks? Chill out and rest plans? Please say you won't be cleaning house!
i will sleep, take a bath, clean the house, lame stuff but whatcha gonna do? i'm still house bound but with loads less to handle :D
LOL that's great tonksy! God knows you deserve a little holiday!

And what the hey, so you're still housebound....now you can doo all those chores nekkid :D
*lol* Cleaning is my "happy place" and I can only find it when I'm cleaning and no one else is at the house.

:beerbang: for Tonksy
AlphaTroll said:
LOL that's great tonksy! God knows you deserve a little holiday!

And what the hey, so you're still housebound....now you can doo all those chores nekkid :D
i uswed to do them naked but i found that the peeping tom's like my panties and bra better....i suppose it adds to the mystery.....i am so stoked!
Rose said:
*lol* Cleaning is my "happy place" and I can only find it when I'm cleaning and no one else is at the house.

:beerbang: for Tonksy

Hey Rose....you wanna come over and make my house your happy place for a while? I have a few dishes that are just begging to be washed....and there's a heap of ironing with your name on it :D
*lmao* I don't do ironing. I can, but it doesn't seem to help any - everything looks the same as before.

But the dishes I can take care of. You have a dishwasher to load, right? :D
Um. Well, kinda. But that sounds more like you're speaking of the Cold Box. We put food in ours, not dishes. Tried sticking the dishes in it when we first got it, but they seemed to get dirtier, not cleaner. Which was odd. The Cold Box seems to like food, but not like dishes.

Nah, I don't know what a cold box is...? The fridge is silver, so I know where that is....besides, that's the one I use most.

But there are some weird looking appliances in that place. I saw one the other day - called itself a blender. I thought 'neato' cos I reckoned it was like Futurama....but I was wrong, this one didn't have witty comebacks for any of my remarks - just sorta sat there staring at me.

I think my appliances are on drugs, none of them ever talk back to me!
Or maybe the appliances aren't on drugs, you are. ;) Oh, wait, then I suppose they would talk back, eh?

We call our shower the Water Box. *lol* Mostly when we are referring to the cat - she doesn't get the point of the shower.
So is a cold box a shower with no hot water? Isn't that kinda bad for you this time of year? Or did you run out of condoms and it's nature's own little birth control?
Couldn't remember the last time I had a night or weekend to JUST ME-Oh how I WISH... All in good time, dont know what I would do with myself,but sure I could find something to do.

Hot bubble bathe-no knocks at the door
candles all around
and maybe a 1 or 2 glasses of re wine to relax the soul and brain.

Ahhh just thinking about it, (SIGHHH)

PS. Tonks enjoy yourself Tonks :winkkiss:
here's the plan...i'm gonna get the baby to sleep then soak in a bubble bath until i am a big human prune...then since there is no important football on tomorrow, i shall spend the day watching musicals...on the docket is high society, singing in the rain, fiddler on the roof, and my fair lady...with intermittant house work....then another bath and lotsa sleep.
no mad, crazy, hot, passionate sex, but.....oh well. :D