Teen Charged with child pornography?!


New Member
A 15-year-old Latrobe girl has been arrested for allegedly taking sexually explicit photos of herself and posting them on the Internet. State police at Greensburg said the girl took photos of herself in various states of undress and performed a variety of sexual acts. She then sent them to people she met in chat rooms on the Internet... Police said the girl was charged with possession and dissemination of child pornography.


I agree with Gonz.

Sadly, this happens a lot. I used to hang out in chat rooms sometimes and there were lots of people claiming they were 15 or 16 and wanting to send out pics of them and thier produce or whatever else they had handy.
God help me now I too agree with Gonz. the girl seems like she wants the attention and thus is doing this. Get her some therapy or something.
Are you kidding? This happens a million times a day. Do you know how many under 18 kids are out there beaming pics of themselves through their webcams to their "online boyfriends"? (or their real boyfriends for that matter?) But I dont get how you can charge a kid for an offense commited ON the kid since it was her picture. Are they saying she forced others to look at her naked in a public forum or was she simply showing a specific person or people? If its the ladder then can you charge her with endangering the well being of a minor too? And throw her in jail with other pedophiles? Sorry... just following the logic circuit to its conclusion here.
Thulsa Doom said:
if a 15 year old has sex with her boyfriend is she commiting a crime?

In the UK she would be (age of consent is 16).

It's grim that she was doing that.......wots even grimmer is that the piccy's she's been sending folks are prolly on a dozen websites now :eh:

Stupid girl is gonna live to regret it :(
so shes not the victim of the crime then? since shes underage?

its true what you say about the net. not just dozens but probably thousands by now. I know a girl who got kicked out of her college because her private video she had of her and an old boyfriend got stollen from her dorm room and was being downloaded by people from all over the world through peer to peer connections in less then an hour. Because of the notiriaty it caused the school they asked her to leave and now everyone in her little town knows what happened. Shes thinking of relocation to a big city at this point.