The 9/11 Conspiracy At The Pentagon

The people who were there are part of the military-industrial complex & are willing to sell their very soul to protect, ugh, who are they trying to protect again?
on 9-11 I recall seeing pictures
of the damaged light poles the aircraft
clipped on its way in

the savage murderer that flew that plane
did a hellava job though

it wasn't an easy approach

yeah I'm certain all these people are in on the hoax as well...

Eyewitness Accounts
Never mind them... what about the firemen, the news crews, and all the employees AND their families. There's no way that Bushco could shut everybody up. :hmm: was a plane that hit the Pentagon..period.

Nothing to see here...move along!
'bout sums it up

there ya go Gotho another of lifes mysteries
answered for you
by the friendly, attractive (partially Canadian)
folks at Offa Topic Central!!!
Gato_Solo said:
Actually, the plane did hit the ground first, about 300 yards away, and bounced up into the wall. There were some gouge marks about that far away in other pictures. As for anything else...ask the people who were there, and not the people who came by later, and started these rumors.

that is interesting because i distinctly remember several reporters interviewing people shortly after who claimed they saw a missile not a plane. (i'll try and find some of those)

The reason i remember this is because i was a Western Civ class at the time and we discussed who and how someone could hit it with a missile.

Could this whole thing including other attacks have been planned internally, YES. Why would someone want this to happen? The answer is very easy to understand. Many people have made lots of money off this war.

Is it likely that something like this could be covered up and stay buried.... NO
For instance just look at what is happening with the CIA right now. They are leaking like a boat about to go under.

But then again people seem to dismiss alternative theories right off hand, but that is just human nature.
It just seems weird to me that people seem to think Bush is too dumb to even tie his own shoes without drooling over himself first, but they think he can come up with a conspiracy that detailed.
ekahs retsam said:
that is interesting because i distinctly remember several reporters interviewing people shortly after who claimed they saw a missile not a plane. (i'll try and find some of those)

Still waiting...

er said:
The reason i remember this is because i was a Western Civ class at the time and we discussed who and how someone could hit it with a missile.

A missile of that type would have to be fired from quite some distance away, and would have been spotted by more than a few people. The Pentagon is on a heavily travelled route...

er said:
Could this whole thing including other attacks have been planned internally, YES. Why would someone want this to happen? The answer is very easy to understand. Many people have made lots of money off this war.

Not as much as you'd like to believe, but there was more money being made by more people before the war. Try as you like, but Katrina put more cash in big oil's pockets than the four years we've been fighting in Iraq...which is what most clueless people claim the war was about...

er said:
Is it likely that something like this could be covered up and stay buried.... NO
For instance just look at what is happening with the CIA right now. They are leaking like a boat about to go under.

Hmmm...nice opinion, but two scandals does not a sinking boat make. ;)

er said:
But then again people seem to dismiss alternative theories right off hand, but that is just human nature.

If it was plausible, it would have more attention. Unfortunately, the whole alternative theory posted on the site is nothing more than the insane ramblings of a rampant paranoid mind hell-bent on discrediting the US government in general, and the US President in particular.
Apparently somebody didn't want me to respond to Unc's BS with my usual screenname.....:finger:

unclehobart said:
In THIS thread before any commentary was laid out

...after 5 commentaries were made.

you made a sweeping insult

It was a prediction that most people would dismiss the topic without putting much thought into it or seriously condidering evidence. Sweeping insult is a bit overstated.

based upon things not said in THIS thread. Your dig was based upon a personal assumption of things said in the past.

...the prediction was based things said in this thread in 5 commentaries and the level of interest in another thread on the same subject. What a crazy idea.

At least I'm calling you out for something unprovoked that you said directly in THIS thread.

An "unprovoked" prediction? How exactly are you "calling me out"? Calling out means to challenge someone in some way. All you've done is misread my comments, make assumptions yourself, and start unprovoked personal attacks.

That's not so much a challenge...more of an indication there's a prescription somewhere you need to get refilled.

Here's a a few challenges...

1. Read the following sentence and write down any parts that would indicate a "warped adult mind"...

  • I think most here will dismiss any evidence without even thinking about it. I doubt seriously you'll get any intelligent replies."
2.a Read the following two sentences...

  • "I don't think this subject is going to get many thought out replies"
  • "You keep claiming 'this thread, this thread' while trying to invoke past threads. You can't have it both ways"

Find any differences with the word in each quote immediately following "this".

2.b If there was a difference in part "a" replace the word in the 2nd quote with the word in the 1st quote. What effect does this have on the 2nd quote?

3. Read the first three comments in this thread and the response to the recent thread Luis started on the WTC. Use them to make arguments for and against the following predictions...

  • Most will dismiss any evidence without even thinking about it.
  • There will be many intelligent replies.

4. Find unprovoked examples supporting the following statement...

  • "You were an asshole in the other threads, so we should expect little from you here as well"

Your statement was neither designed to promote or deny any third party theory, but rather to cut every other person on this board with a single glib remark.

No, it was designed to promote discussion on the topic with the intent that after reading my comment people would try to prove me wrong and actually discuss the subject. I find this topic interesting and there wasn't much response to the thread Luis started.
flav said:
I think most here will dismiss any evidence without even thinking about it.
I doubt seriously you'll get any intelligent replies.

yep anyone who gave any credence
to these ridiculous claims

would have to be lacking in intelligence

how's those treatments for the dain bramage
goin' there Flav?
Just agree with them Flav. They will gang up on you until you leave. Just like they did to TG. Don't think outside the box!!!!! :hippy:

Who's TG and what happened?

The ones that try and gang up are just a bunch of yellow gutless mice and a couple biased inept moderators. Screw 'em.
flav said:
Here's a a few challenges...

2.a Read the following two sentences...
  • "I don't think this subject is going to get many thought out replies"
  • "You keep claiming 'this thread, this thread' while trying to invoke past threads. You can't have it both ways"
Find any differences with the word in each quote immediately following "this".

Funny how you try to play semantics when you don't even know when to use "here are" instead of "here is."
flavio said:
I think most here will dismiss any evidence without even thinking about it. I doubt seriously you'll get any intelligent replies.

That being one of them.

TG was TankGirl,she was actually pretty cool but she got a lot of heat from the right wingers.
I thought the heat came from her past with A13
and the fact that she was a nutcase

you know

like Flav?
HomeLAN said:
Goodie! A new user name for the iggy list!

A mod who can't see all the posts is a good example of "bias" and "inept" that I referred to earlier. Thanks for proving the point.

Unc seems to be taking care of the "yellow gutless mice" part. "Calling me out" ....yeah right. Call me out and run away?

Inakara said:
Funny how you try to play semantics when you don't even know when to use "here are" instead of "here is."

You're talking about syntax not semantics with your example...which doesn't change the meaning of the sentence. Unc's mistake invalidated his attempt at a point.
Never happened before.

Why? A lot of people still enjoying kickin' your ass?

I could see that just never getting old for some people you may not be very good at readin' and writin', forming insults, or making a point but I bet you're a wiz at keeping those ass-kickins fun and fresh.