The Accident!


Thanks to some thieving bastards, my mountain bike only has a front brake. And because I disturbed them while they were trying to get the front one off, they ran off. While they were trying to get the front brake off, they really messed up the bolts (I think they must have used their teeth or something) and no matter what tools I use, can't get the thing undone. This has left me with a front brake that is crooked, and the pads only just touch the rim of the wheel.

I was going to get a whole new set of LX V-Brakes and cables (£40 each), and get them fitted professionally, but haven't had the time or money to get it done.

Anyway, I was riding down my road yesterday, and I had to turn right, so I stuck my hand out to indicate that I was turning. Due to me only having the front brake, the lever was on the right side of the handlebars, which meant that I had to use my left hand to pull the lever. I should have known that it wouldn't balance and I would go flying, which is exactly what happened. I got a nice close-up of what the tarmac looked like!

Also, because my left hand hit the floor first, it sort of sliced off 20mm of skin, leaving me with a rather floppy bit on the end of my finger :crying6:

My right arm was pouring with blood, but, I wasn't crying :laugh: even though it was pretty sore.

Anyway... have I got a nice suprise for you! I took pics :whorebng:








hehe, thanks Justin. A bit shaken up by the whole... falling off your bike at my age embarrasment... but ok now :D
That looks painful! Better known as "road rash" to us old bikers.... I've had it a few times... Glad to see you're OK though. :wink2:
ACK... roadrash is the worst. specially cleaning all the grit from the road out of it. Glad your ok though.
Thanks to you all for the nice comments :)

HubbaHubba, I don't use hand signals normally, but there were cars behind me so I couldn't just turn or I would have got some maniac comin after me shouting all sorts! lol

Anyway, I changed the plaster on my finger yesterday so I took some pics of my finger :eek9:



ouch ouch ouch, looks like it hurt man, get those brakes fixed!! :)
glad ya didnt break anything or hurt your head... Ive had 1 concussion and they arent fun.
lol Shadowfax... After I had fallen off, I thought... F*ck the cars, F*ck hand signals!

Inkara1... Thanks for the cool pics, maybe I'll use them.. or maybe I won't :D

K62... lol yeah it did hurt at the time, but it's started healing now :)

I'm glad I didn't break anything too, I would have hated to have a broken arm or something :eek: No OTC or HWC!!!! :crying2: Oh, and I'm working on my brakes, hehe.