The argument for VEGETARIANISM

Rose said:
I don't think anyone really has any ground to get upset with you calling North Americans fat. I often bitch about FatAmerica, especially when I try to order a medium drink from Taco Bueno and the bastards give me a hugeass drink the size of ... it's gotta be half a gallon or so. I swear. You know those huge cups I speak of ... Taco Bells or Taco Buenos in Quebec...but I get the idea. McD's does the same free refills.
MrBishop said: Taco Bells or Taco Buenos in Quebec...but I get the idea. McD's does the same free refills.

Yep yep. And dammit - if a person is at the restaurant with said free refills then there's NO NEED whatsoever for those godawful size'd cups.
It's not just fast food chains, Rose. So many restaurants plate HUGE portions on the main courses. There are some restaurants (moderately priced) that I refuse to go back to because their portions were so huge it actually killed my appetite. Most times I find I usually wind up just ordering off the appetizer list, or I split the main course with a friend. If I want normal sized portions, it seems I have to go to an upscale restaurant. An ex-boyfriend used to jokingly say: "Natalie, tonight let's go out and pay more to eat less." :disgust:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
It's not just fast food chains, Rose. So many restaurants plate HUGE portions on the main courses. There are some restaurants (moderately priced) that I refuse to go back to because their portions were so huge it actually killed my appetite. Most times I find I usually wind up just ordering off the appetizer list, or I split the main course with a friend. If I want normal sized portions, it seems I have to go to an upscale restaurant. An ex-boyfriend used to jokingly say: "Natalie, tonight let's go out and pay more to eat less." :disgust:

Oh, I agree. My husband and I try to share a portion at restaurants whenever the case allows because of portion sizes. At Olive Garden and some other places, we've skipped ordering the meal altogether and simply enjoy the salad and we'll share an appetizer or two. Pretty much like you do.

But I'm still hanging on to my meat.
C'mon in, the gutter's just fine :)

Seriously...this is OTC... as Leslie's son now knows, you gotta watch your tongue :p
Yet more reasons to detest Americans, huh? I love how these stats are always about big fat Americans. Never any other country that's doing wrong. I guess no one else in the world eats meat? :p

(yes I know the US leads the world in food/meat consumption, I'm just tired of being the bad guy all the time)

8• Plus-size boutique Lane Bryant is expected to increase its number of stores from 650 to 1,000 over five years. Catherine's Plus Sizes is projected to increase from 470 to 700 stores. The plus-size clothing market generates $23 billion in sales a year, accounting for a quarter of women’s clothing sales

Big sore point with me. I LOVE Lane Bryant. They are the *only* store that I have found that has stylish clothes that fit me. As a plus-size woman, let me tell you, there are not that many options out there.

Take a look at my picture in the photo gallery. Do I look obese or like a typical fat American to you? I was 190 pounds in that picture. Yes, I am 'overweight' but you can't lump everyone into a meat eating-fat American stereotype just because they wear plus-size clothes.

I have always had a problem finding clothes that fit my 5'10", wide-hipped, long-legged frame. I could never be considered petite and even at my thinnest as an adult, I had trouble finding clothes that fit. So I got used to my pant legs never being long enough, or wearing ugly tent like shirts to cover my too-tight pants.

But Lane Bryant, WOW. They know what they're doing. Sizes for people like me who can never be a regular size but who are not in the 1x, 2x etc. area are a Godsend.

I'm not sure what my point was here, just babbling. :D
The Survival Argument
Athlete to win Ironman Triathlon more than twice: Dave Scott (6 time winner)
Food choice of Dave Scott: Vegetarian
Largest meat eater that ever lived: Tyrannosaurus Rex (Where is he today?)

well you may want to pull this one. This is a faulty argument. Tyro's were around for like 80 million years I think. so we still have a ways to go to match that.

But I agree we (Americans and westerners in general) are all glutons when it comes to ALL of our resources. this is no mystery at all. and we dont seem to care either. 5 inch T bones and SUV's all around is the typical mentality. and if you suggest cutting back a little or having a little more responsibility well people get all bent out of shape.

I found it interesting that it said even if we were ALL vegetarians that wed still run out of fossil fuel in 260 years? is that for real?
Okay, just a small little note: hominid teeth whilst used for omnivorous purposes, were originally used for hard grains, nuts, and fruits (Australopithecus afarensis et al). That is why we have those kick-ass molars, and not super pointy sharp canines. We have adapted primarily herbivorous teeth for an omnivorous diet (from around Homo erectus onwards, although there are earlier accounts of meat appearing in hominid diet).

[/end boring lecture]
Re: Top twelve signs of greedy-diets

Rose said:
Did you know those bastards serve "medium" cokes in those HUGEass cups?

I know exactally what you mean, when i went to america i was shocked at how BIG everything was, the small is roughly the same size as the Australian large :lol2:
Re: Top twelve signs of greedy-diets

The medium cup isn't half a gallon. It's a quarter of a gallon. Nowadays, 32oz. is medium and 44 oz. is large. 32 is a quarter of the 128oz. in a gallon.

As for the T-Rex thing, eating meat isn't what killed them off. They died off just like all the herbivore dinosaurs died off, although I forget which species were still around then the meteor hit the Caribbean and sent up the dust cloud that changed the earth's climate drastically and killed off everything but cockroaches.
BeardofPants said:
Okay, just a small little note: hominid teeth whilst used for omnivorous purposes, were originally used for hard grains, nuts, and fruits (Australopithecus afarensis et al). That is why we have those kick-ass molars, and not super pointy sharp canines. We have adapted primarily herbivorous teeth for an omnivorous diet (from around Homo erectus onwards, although there are earlier accounts of meat appearing in hominid diet).

[/end boring lecture]

One thing you neglect to mention...All primates are omnivorous. Why should man be any different?
Gato_Solo said:
One thing you neglect to mention...All primates are omnivorous. Why should man be any different?

Peta propaganda

remember the drink beer, not milk campaign
Gato_Solo said:
One thing you neglect to mention...All primates are omnivorous. Why should man be any different?

Not ALL primates are omnivorous - some are frugivorous, or folivorous. And I didn't mention that H. sapiens should be any different - I was just stating that originally hominids (as in prior to H. sapiens) were primarily frugivores/folivores.
[quote="Mr.Bishop]Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there already an overpopulation problem? How about this. Introduce a population reduction program for countries unable to meat their own food needs, until their population reaches a sustainable level. Oh, wait a minute. Nature already did that. It's called starvation.

Here's a few thoughts to fill in the time while you're gaping and trying to come up with a few names I haven't already been called..

Most starving countries have huge population problems, because the people there have no self control. Case in point, several african countries where AIDS runs rampant have rape stats in the high 30%. Annually. The odds of a woman reaching 18 without being raped at least once in miniscule. Stopping raping would stop AIDS cold. But (and here's the sweet spot) the men there would rather be circumcised (which is not only against their religion, it's not even proven to portect against AIDS) than keep their peckers to themselves.

Huge supplies of food are being destroyed everyday because either noone can/will buy it, or just to ramp the price up. There's no lack of food at all.

And (last one) many of the countries with multitudes of starving people, have rich, despotic leaders and well stocked armies. If they wanted to, they could shake off that yoke and manage themselves. But they don't.

So, tell me again about the poor starving children who'll be saved if I don't have a steak tonight.
So...your answer is..let them die. or better yet, incite violence and violent overthrowing of the gvt in place by the people, or another country, in order to... sorry, I can't find the solution that you're aiming at by violently overthrowing a gvt in place. It certainly won't stop the starvation, or the population problems, or the lack of viable soil, or training needed to grow thei own crops, or help them bury their dead etc etc...

So, I guess that your solution is...let them die...they deserve it? How about some constructive input Prof...
oh oh, I know

a powerful goverment comes in overthrows the current 3rd world dictator and feeds the masses.....only one problem

no oil
Professur said:
So, tell me again about the poor starving children who'll be saved if I don't have a steak tonight.

Will cutting down your meat intake by 10% kill you? Keeping it at current levels might though... think of your blood pressure and colesterol levels, think of the rate of heart-attacks in men our age, think of the cost of beef nowadays.

Buying and eating less red-meat will save your life and your pocketbook. I'm not asking anyone to stop, or even become vegetarians here... just reduce.

If not for the kids in africa do it for
your health
your money
your kids