The border...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
again. Perhaps Congress can come up with some cash to defend our borders a little better now that some of their 'pet projects' may be threatened...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
yeah it'd be great if we had money lying around. too bad it's already allocated for the giant toilet east of the mediterranean.

Really? You mean none of it is tied up in social programs and congressional pork? I'm shocked...:rolleyes:...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
yeah we can chase after 481 little buckets or one big one. you choose.

I choose the 481 little ones. The one big one would be a disaster of immense proportions if we tackle it. Not that I'd mind being home with family and friends instead of where I'm at now, but pulling out now makes the job much harder later. This is my fifth time over here, and my eighth time supporting operations outside the US...starting with Kosovo...I think I've got a fairly good grasp of the situation, and I can guarantee that if we pull out now, we'll be back in less than 10 years fighting someone/thing worse. Hell...we should've done this back in 1991, because we'd probably be finished now, and I'd be back home with my family, and bitching about downsizing. ;)


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Besides...there's that ugly Article I, Section 8 thingy that has to be fulfilled once the battle is drawn. :erm: