The Cheese has landed!!!!


New Member
.....and the vultures are circling..........

Welcome to the madness cheese.........hope ye have fun and bring a new aroma to the place....if of course you are of the Roquefort variety, please post from the doorway (tasty as that may be, I cannot abide the smell for too long in such confined spaces ;)

<Homer Simpson>Hmmm...........cheese...........<Homer Simpson>

LOL, now I can't stop thinking of some of my favourite cheesy recipes.......and cheesy jokes......cheesy things to do with cheese.......

Ah man, I can see I'm gonna have some fun with your the cheese old & moldy?
Welcome Cheese ,
Article 5-5 of the AUP
" All cheese must be immediately returned to the office upon arrival. Cheese is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cheese Justice Enforcement Agency and shall never be owned, sold, distributed, or eaten by anyone without prior written permission. All traffic moving through that we find suspicious of smuggling cheese will be intercepted and dealt with severely."

Now you know what you must do :D
'ello Cheese :lloyd:

Christ.......I ain't said that since the last time I missed me weekly shower...........
I'm thinking y'all mightta scared ol' Cheese off. :(

Welcome if you make it back!!

Mmm, gouda. I have some white merlot chilling at home, some gouda in the fridge, and crackers in the cupboard ...
What is this world coming to when Squiggs is only interested in nekkid shoulders? Weird, I kinda had ye figured as a thigh guy :shrug: <--------- how's that for a decent pair of shoulders? ;)
Hey!!!! Thanks for the welcome!
I completed skipped this

Ok, lets see if I can reply to everything wthout quoting, I'm feeling rather lazy :lloyd:

Alpha- speaking of cheesy outfits, I've always wanted to find myself a cheese a hat with a massive plush toy cheese attached to it. It would make en excellent Halloween costume:D And no, the cheese isn't very old and mouldy:)

A.B. Normal- that article doesn't really exist does it?!?! lol
Oh, and the only thing I was told about the RW is that things can get messy in there. *shrugs*

Inkara1- eh? My friend is already hosting my site so I'd be really reluctant to move everything-_-

Well this seems like a very very interesting place and I'm enjoying my stay:)