The Cheese has landed!!!!

well it looks like it has been around for awhile and probably should not be eaten due to the health
I kinda think it looks like that guy in the Aqua Velva ad (you know that aftershave or something, where the guy shaves and the woman bithcslaps him with the Aqua Velva...and they say it's like an ice cold slap in the face....) anyway, yeah - that's the Aqua Velva smiley to me.
Cheese said:
well it looks like it has been around for awhile and probably should not be eaten due to the health

Feh - just scrape off the green stuff . . . :lol2:
And I really should try to post a bit faster.....guess I got stuck in the cheesy odours permeating the air in this thread ;)
Sharky said:
Feh - just scrape off the green stuff . . . :lol2:

*I MUST resist the urge to make lewd comments about that as I simply adore Sharky and respect him too much to voice the nasty little thoughts swimming in my mind right now*
AlphaTroll said:
And I really should try to post a bit faster.....guess I got stuck in the cheesy odours permeating the air in this thread ;)

Hehe - I was wondering what that post was referring to . . . :lloyd:

Ignore the smell - it's just my socks. ;)
AlphaTroll said:
And I really should try to post a bit faster.....guess I got stuck in the cheesy odours permeating the air in this thread ;)

You could also say cheesy fragrance to make it sound more appealing :D
AlphaTroll said:
*I MUST resist the urge to make lewd comments about that as I simply adore Sharky and respect him too much to voice the nasty little thoughts swimming in my mind right now*

Hey Sharky - you lend your socks to Oz for that shower of his mayhap? ;)

Lol - OK Cheesiest one - the rank, cheesy PERFUME lingering in the air :D