"The Gates" - the Central Park project


New Member
Rusty told me about this a week ago, and I wasn't very impressed. Flags, in Central Park. Yeah? What's the big deal? But since then I've had three other people tell me they heard about it and are going in to see it.

Rusty and I are planning a trip in either this Saturday or next Saturday to take a look for ourselves. A link to the Wired news story: Wired News

A link to the "artist's" website: Christo and Jeanne Claude


Staff member

That looks utterly boring. Could hang bedsheets from the eavestroughs for that effect.

Perhaps I just don't have "the eye".


Well-Known Member
I went to see the spectacle yesterday (I don't consider it art), and I wasn't at all impressed. In fact, I complained throughout. Too many people and too much orange. The reason I love Central Park so much is for its natural beauty. Those stupid gates were so low to the ground, and so densely packed, that it was difficult to view my usual favorite sites in the park from ground level because the dumb, fire retardant sheeting obstructed my view. Like an impressionistic painting, I suppose it's meant to be viewed from a distance, but the majority of people are pedestrians who don't have access to such a view. Stupid, stupid idea. The only good purpose it served was to help fill the city's much depleted coffers with tourist money. :shrug:

Here are some photos I took. They basically look like every other photo out there of the scene -- dismal, partly cloudy day in the park with orange stains every few feet.


Well-Known Member
Why would they want the art to be viewed from a distance if they're putting it over 23 miles of walkways?


New Member
Ewwwww! I think they are ugly...Could have atleast made it colorful flags or something...

Better yet...think about it......lets just make it alittle easier for the rapists, obstruction of viewsite. :confused:


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
hehe i just gotta do it. "If you hang your sheets out for all central park to see, you might be a redneck."


New Member
samcurry said:
hehe i just gotta do it. "If you hang your sheets out for all central park to see, you might be a redneck."

He said "Redneck"...just gotta...You might be a Redneck if , You carried a fishing pole into Sea World. :lol2:


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
Alright then one last one. "Which hotel ran out of quarters for the driers?"


New Member
Nope Sam....this last one.....

You stare at an orange juice container
because it says, "CONCENTRATE".

Your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare.

Last year you hid yer kids'
Easter eggs under cow pies.

OMG---I gotta STOP!!!!! :laugh5:


I don't like them greenie; I can see em from my window right now. I'm surprised no one's taken an ax to them yet...


Well-Known Member
Inkara1 said:
Why would they want the art to be viewed from a distance if they're putting it over 23 miles of walkways?
Good fucking question. Here's a shot of what that looks like, btw:


Mare, Central Park has never been as safe a place to go as it is these days, with or without this dopey exhibit. You can thank Rudy Giuliani for that. However, you can blame Mayor Bloomberg for this hideous display. I think this shot of a pole hitting him on the head during the opening is evidence of the city rejecting his art initiative. :p


These are the FAQs about the exhibit. Some choice questions (gotta love lawyers):
Will people be climbing on the poles or swinging on the fabric?

Will paint chips from the poles fall into the soil, or be eaten by small children or animals?

How do Christo and Jeanne-Claude know in advance that “The Gates”will be beautiful?
I'd like to add some of my own:
If I'm over seven feel tall, can I suffer a concussion by being hurled into the air by a strong wind?

Will animals and birds react violently to the orange color and attack unsuspecting tourists?
Finally, here's an editorial in today's New York Post I think we all can agree with: :shrug:


February 14, 2005 -- WAKE me when these hideous things are gone!

It's time to let the truth be known: "The Gates" — that manically promoted, ludicrously expensive sculpture project now infesting Central Park — is the artistic equivalent of a yard that's been strewn with stained toilet paper by juvenile delinquents on Halloween.

It is the defacement of beauty, not its creation — a fraud perpetrated on the people by no-talent hypemasters and their chief cheerleader in City Hall.

Please, make them go away!

Walking into the park yesterday, I was assaulted by thousands of what looked like shower curtains twisting in the wind. I had found "The Gates."

Like a sucker in a game of three-card monte, I'd noticed I was about to be taken for a fool — and I'd ignored them.

The advance buzz had been all-consuming. "The Gates" was presented as the ticket for our stubborn, precious, maddening city to be elevated into something of a quasi-Eurotrash capital (except where the natives bathe regularly).

The artists seemed cute and quirky enough. And the mayor was positively giddy about it. That should have been the kiss of doom.

Now I realize we all were pulled into a kind of mass hysteria orchestrated by a couple of charismatic snake-oil salesmen — also known as the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude — and their pretentious booster, Mayor Bloomberg.

"The Gates" is an abomination. Call me a Philistine, but how can one improve on trees, lakes and rocky outcroppings with miles of plastic-treated cloth?

It's enough of a sin that "The Gates" overpowers Central Park's soaring, hypnotic beauty. But the color of these bed sheets, plunked down on metal frames every 12 feet throughout the park, is so atrocious that the project's creators ought to be charged with assault.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude claim that the hue of the weirdly pleated cloth is "saffron." But, as any American junior-high-school kid will tell you, the precise shade is "vomit orange."

"I can't get over how much it looks like an advertisement for Home Depot," said a laughing auxiliary cop I ran into.

And he said he actually liked them.

"A poet could say it looks like women's skirts," said Maureen Pielli, who drove down from West Chester, Pa.

"But the color!" said her husband, Arthur, who just couldn't get past it.

"I'm not impressed," said a young woman who works in the park making fanciful balloon animals for kids — an artistic feat that I'd like to see Christo and Jeanne-Claude match.

But that would take skill.


New Member
:laugh: Thanks guys, really needed a laugh today! :) That color is a little... stark... And you should see some of their other "installations". They did something called "wrapped trees" that looks horrible.

Good thing we were only planning a quick walk in Central Park. We're actually going to brunch first at Cafe Lalo which was where Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks met for coffee in You've Got Mail. It's only a few blocks from the park so we'll take a stroll, probably to the Rambles to see if we can photograph some birds or maybe even Pale Male. Then off to another art exhibit, I forget the name of it... But it's uptown somewhere. Then more food, undoubtedly. Then home.

We had Rusty's 30th birthday and our 6 year anniversary last week and Valentine's Day today so we're kinda smooshing it all into one day in the city.