The (hopefully) Last In Line


Southern Discomfort
Off to Vandy I go again. ERCP later today, hopefully the last one I'll need. These things screw me over pretty good for about 36 hours, so I'm really dreading this.

See y'all Sunday prolly. Remember, don't feed you know who after midnight. :devious:
Hang in there SnP.
Keep up the good fight as I know you will, and I've got a word in for ya.
I can't do anything the easy way...

We drive 5 hours to get there...I'm on no food/water for 8 hours...they get me back to pre-op...the referring physician FORGOT to order anesthesia. So there's no anesthesiologist available, so the whole shebang is cancelled. I had to go back November 9 for a post-surgical consult on the big one last June anyway, so it was rescheduled for the same day as that, but still...we're out $75.00 in gas plus deener, I lost a sick day for nothing, and the hassel of ten hours driving all for nothing.

We DID however have a wonderful deener and a good time together, so it wasn't a total waste. Just a 90% waste. Oh, and I got a free bag of IV saline in the process (jump for joy).

Have I mentioned lately that I hate doctors?
Vanderbilt is a fantastic long as you are standing in front of them. Their system is chaotic and frustrating.
I can't do anything the easy way...

We drive 5 hours to get there...I'm on no food/water for 8 hours...they get me back to pre-op...the referring physician FORGOT to order anesthesia. So there's no anesthesiologist available, so the whole shebang is cancelled. I had to go back November 9 for a post-surgical consult on the big one last June anyway, so it was rescheduled for the same day as that, but still...we're out $75.00 in gas plus deener, I lost a sick day for nothing, and the hassel of ten hours driving all for nothing.

We DID however have a wonderful deener and a good time together, so it wasn't a total waste. Just a 90% waste. Oh, and I got a free bag of IV saline in the process (jump for joy).

Have I mentioned lately that I hate doctors?
Hate to burst your little balloon, but you pissed that away. ;)