The opposite of D-day


Well-Known Member
Letting them know exactly when and for the most part where we're going to attack. Probably not a military strategists dream.


Well-Known Member
You realize that the opposite of D day would be W day?

And telling them exactly where and when is like Babe Ruth calling his shot. I doesn't matter, 'coz they can't do a thing about it. And all it does is make them think about what's coming. think, and worry, and lose sleep. And panic, and surrender.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Anyway, it's not the beginning of the war i'm really concerned about, except for maybe the chemical weapons. It's the following months. I really don't want to see a new 80's Afghan front.


New Member
Professur said:
You realize that the opposite of D day would be W day?

And telling them exactly where and when is like Babe Ruth calling his shot. I doesn't matter, 'coz they can't do a thing about it. And all it does is make them think about what's coming. think, and worry, and lose sleep. And panic, and surrender.

I agree. It's why they made a public spectacle of testing the MOAB, of calling the war tactic "shock and awe", and why they've been doing psyops for some time now. Regardless of the actual amount of force in the field, if you give the Iraqis the impression that an unbelievable amount of hell is about to be rained upon them, they're more apt to surrender.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I've been pondering this one for days. I still go with my new moon theory but does it hold water when we're sending 3000 Patriot missiles & friends in the first 24 hours? Talk about pennies from heaven.