The Outsorcer-In-Chief


Well-Known Member
It seems that Romney is a piker when it come to outsourcing compared to this administration.


Schlafly: Let's Talk About Outsourcing

By Phyllis Schlafly July 17, 2012 6:55 am
Among President Obama's disingenuous promises made over his four years, he said he would focus on creating "jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced." Yet he spent billions of U.S. taxpayer's money overseas to create outsourced jobs.
Typical of Obama's passion for outsourcing was the appointment of his jobs czar, Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric. Even as he was basking in the prestige of his new title, Immelt was closing his last U.S. plant making light bulbs in Virginia and opening a plant in China to manufacture more expensive light bulbs, which Americans will be forced to buy.

General Electric also opened a $61 million factory in Vietnam to produce wind turbine components. General Electric and the president's Jobs Council, headed by Immelt, have received over $1.2 billion in stimulus funds.

General Electric placed an order with wind turbine manufacturer ATI Casting, but then canceled it in order to get the parts cheaper from China. ATI offered to match the Chinese price, but GE refused to reinstate its order to the U.S. company. So ATI was forced to lay off 302 American workers.

Obama also promised in October 2008 that he would "invest $15 billion a year in renewable energy sources to create 5 million new energy jobs over the next decade -- jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced." Obama painted the picture of a future in which Americans will build solar panels, wind turbines and a new electricity grid.

It all sounded so exciting. Obama predicted a future where his stimulus-created jobs would help us "eliminate" Middle East oil within 10 years and "help save the planet in the bargain." How could we resist his assurance that going into massive debt would reap such a glorious reward?

Proclaiming that his goal was to put 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015, Obama set up a $2.4 billion stimulus program to support battery production. But nearly half that money went to foreign firms, including two South Korean companies that used their grants to hire foreign nationals in Michigan to do work that Americans could have done.

We surely don't see many electric cars on the road. After receiving a $500 million U.S. loan guarantee, Fisker Automotive is producing its $100,000 luxury electric sports car in Finland.

Obama's stimulus included $8.5 billion in grants for wind farms, and more than half of that money blew overseas, either to foreign developers or to foreign wind turbine manufacturers. Our money created thousands of jobs overseas, while the U.S. wind energy industry lost 10,000 jobs last year.

The largest recipient of Obama's program to promote green energy projects was the Spanish company, Abengoa Bioenergia, which received $2.7 billion in loan guarantees for three of its projects. That's even more than the half billion dollars Obama squandered on Solyndra and another $400 million wasted on Abound Solar, two U.S. companies that went bankrupt after receiving those multi-million-dollar taxpayer loan guarantees.

Two Korean manufacturers of electric vehicle batteries were given $300 million to build plants in Michigan, but foreign nationals are being brought in to work the jobs that should go to Americans. The Department of Energy admits that 11 of the 18 contractors are Asian firms.

North Carolina-based LED maker Cree Inc. received over $39 million from Obama's stimulus and then opened a plant in China. Half of this company's employees are now located in China.

The Windy Flats project received a $218 million stimulus grant and then used wind turbines assembled by Siemens in Denmark. The Danish company, Haldor Topsoe, received a $25 million stimulus grant to construct a demonstration scale biorefinery.

SunPower admits that some of the solar panels for the $1.3 billion stimulus-backed California Solar Valley Ranch will be manufactured in Mexico, not in California. ABB Inc. received over $16 million in stimulus funds to create green energy manufacturing jobs, but then laid off its U.S. workers and transferred the work to Mexico.

An $817,000 stimulus contract was awarded to New Zealand's Connexionz to install bus monitors in the California city of Santa Clarita. The Environmental Protection Agency gave $1.5 million to Indonesia to reduce air pollution in Jakarta.

Parago used stimulus funds to hire hundreds of workers in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic to administer a renewable energy appliance rebate program. Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal's subsidiary received $31.5 million in stimulus funds for a waste heat recovery unit.

A Japanese subsidiary, Eurus Energy, received $91.4 million in stimulus grants for a wind farm using 180 turbines manufactured overseas by Mitsubishi. Solar Power Industries received a $5.4 million stimulus grant and then, because of increased reliance on imports from China, laid off U.S. workers.

Do you remember how we the taxpayers were forced to bail out General Motors? GM then opened a $200 million plant in Thailand to make Diesel engines for the Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck.
Phyllis Schlafly is a lawyer, conservative political analyst and author of 20 books. She is the co-author, with George Neumayr, of a new book released this month titled "No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom."
Phyllis Schlafly HAH HAH HAH

with guest comments by jos. goebbels...

outsourcing is real. get over it. that's what happens when you got a country full of overpriced whiney labor, people that weren't smart enough to update their skill sets when they should have, and dumbshits who can't be bothered to learn more than what they did barely skating through high school. this will only go further downhill as the hillbilly home schooling trend continues.

er wait we gotta keep jobs in the US because us lazy fucks deserve those jobs, even if it don't make any practical sense. sure we want capitalism. just make it familial capitalism. cousin bobby may be slow as shit, and awful ornery, but at least he was born here! he and others like him are the economic powerhouses that will be america's future!!!
I knew you would berate the article based on the name Phllis Schlafly. Nothing she said ever happened. She made it all up and it is all unbelievable because she is Phyllis Schlafly. If a Liberal said everything she said it would all be credible.
no i was just laughing at her. not so much an ad hom because um i had other comments jim... which i notice you did not respond to... probably because you know you and your kind are the problem, the reason america is left behind. the way you look at all those illegals and homos and negroes and commies, well, that's the way i look at you. and you had every chance in the world to become a superstar, whitebread.
These companies can outsource all they wish. However, when they get bajillion dollar handouts of our tax dollars,
they should be forced to spend it here (of course, they shouldn't get these gifts in the first place)
holyfuckingshit... are they sellin' horses down there? sure does look sturdy though... probably has no trouble with regularity...

These companies can outsource all they wish. However, when they get bajillion dollar handouts of our tax dollars,
they should be forced to spend it here (of course, they shouldn't get these gifts in the first place)
sounds anti-capitalist. they should get a tax break for sure.
they should be herded into reeducation camps
and let the workers enjoy the fruits of their labors
wow the smart is coming out in glorious waves.

of course the wright brothers built that.

guess what?

the socioeconomic system that they lived in is vastly different that the one we have today. today they would sell their handcrafted wares on etsy. and enjoy the benefits of the transportation infrastructure in shipping their goods.

don't like the changes sine the days of kitty hawk? blame capitalism.

better yet, just stop being such pussies and ingrates.

sure, we could have modern factory production without any kind of collective risk pooling.... er no wait no one would ever put money into that...

i don't like obama's tone, but he is correct.
i don't like obama's tone, but he is correct.

I would contend that you either don't understand what he said, or you're as bad as he is. Not looking
good for your team, either way.

Let's make it simple as possible.

The federal government is not responsible for jack shit when it comes to our economy. The only
this the federal government does it break it.
I would contend that you either don't understand what he said, or you're as bad as he is. Not looking
good for your team, either way.

Let's make it simple as possible.

The federal government is not responsible for jack shit when it comes to our economy. The only
this the federal government does it break it.

you say you use gasoline in your car huh? wonder how that works. of course we don't get the government involved there. that's why we put carriers in the persian gulf. to look cute. like a parade or something.

"simple as possible" hah well at least you are getting closer to self-understanding. "the only thing the federal government does is break it." go back to your storybooks little boi. christ even george w understands that navy ships and petrol go together...