The Third times the charm


Well-Known Member
If good and bad things come in threes...then I'm in trouble.

1) My aunt just underwent surgery to have an Ovarian Cyst *Cancerous* removed. There's a biopsy today to check to see if there's a spread. (This is her 2nd cancer...the first cost her a double-mastectomy)

2) My sister almost died Saturday. She had been given medication to contradict the effects of a Bladder/Kidney infection and guess what...she's alergic to the 'sulfate' in the mediacation. Broke out in red spots all over and had to have an intramuscular injection of 100cc's of Benedril to counter it. She's on 50mg (twice a day) for the next few days.

3) Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm running out of women in my life that I truly care for...and none that I would like to see dead at all!

Wish me and mine luck.

PS. Note to Prof. ---> Fuzzy's fine now, but it was the difference of about 1 hour between the time they gave her the shot and anaphalaptic shock.
:( Sorry Bish. Hope they got all the cancer and there are no long term affects for sis. If she had a known allergy, she could sue.

Do you care about me? Cus I'm fine. :)
greenfreak said:
:( Sorry Bish. Hope they got all the cancer and there are no long term affects for sis. If she had a known allergy, she could sue.

Do you care about me? Cus I'm fine. :)

It wasn;t a known alergy at the is now.
It's tough to sue in Canada...makes me almost wish I lived in the states, where you can practically sue over someone sneezing on you. :)

We''l get the results of the bioppsyt soon...I hope.